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It's a big privelage to be born a human.

wasabi's picture

My mom and s/o were both really hurt when I told them I would save my dog over my skid(As a side note I'm annoyed at the poor skid poor guy comments). No I don't think she's more deserving of life over a dog just because she's a human and my s/o's little shnookums.The world makes the step parents out to be villains for not having this inherent connection to someone else's kid. Not to mention a skid who seemingly randomly chooses to be a dick to me and others whenever she wants. Even if she's good she's still a massive inconvenience(That's not to say I'm not trying to build that connection but it's something that will take time, if it happens at all). I always thought it was stupid that society cherry picked which opinions you can voice and which you can't because other peoples feelings mattered more than yours...


He sees this adorable, intelligent, funny kid who sometimes has some behavioral issues but is a good kid none the less. He has the biological/ evolutionary love goggles on.


JRI's picture

They all have the love goggles on.  Sigh.....

Rags's picture

impervious to reality regarding their ill behaved spawn.

Though on the relative scale of kids, they are fairly rare.  It is the pool of mates that SParents have chosen from that has the highest concentration  and probability of  introducing the shit results of failed family breeding effort into life.

That said, I would rescue a human over an animal every time, ceteris paribus. Humans do count more.  That is the nature of the hierarchy of species. Multi cell life trumps single cell life, etc...., etc......., etc... mammals trump reptiles, etc... Humans trump lower order mammals.

My first boss out of college died in a house fire when she ran back in to save her cats.  Her SO had carried her out when the smoke detectors went off after she dropped a lit cigarette on the carpet when she fell asleep on the couch. When she came too on oxygen she realized that the cats were still inside. She made a stupid choice.   There were no people at risk at that point.

It has been nearly 30 years and he still morns her and has yet to forgive her for killing herself for cats.

What on Earth made you think it was wise to say that to your mate and your mom regarding the mate's child?  If I said that I would rescue the dog above my SS to my own mother, my body would never be found.  RIghtfully so IMHO. Don't mess with mom's grandspawn.  GSkid or BGK, makes no difference to my parents. Thave have as unique and close a relationship with my son (Former SS, adopted) as they do with my niece and nephews.

There are some things you need to consider biting your tongue on. Which coming from me... is extremely rare advice and something I generally am nearly entirely incapable of doing. WIth few exceptions.

Think it, don't say it. At least not IRL.

Do as I say, not as I do.



Livingoutloud's picture

I think it's perfectly fine to feel that you'd save a dog over your skids. You feel what you feel but not every feeling needs to be expressed.

I think anyone would feel hurt if it was said about their child or in fact about anyone's child. It's quite mean and cold hearted thing to say to anyone. 

Felicity0224's picture

Yeah, I mean you are entitled to your feelings. But I'm not certain that particular thought needed to be expressed. Personally I would save any child over any dog and I suspect that most people would. And if someone close to me said that about my child, I'd be slightly upset too. Not outraged, because it's kind of a silly hypothetical, but I definitely wouldn't like it. And probably would not trust that person to be alone with my kid ever. 

notsurehowtodeal's picture

How did this even come up? While I completely understand your feelings, I think it is a bit unrealistic to expect your SO to understand when you are saying you would let his child die in order to save your dog.

I will admit to having this exact same thought about two girls who bullied me in Junior High. I still remember the first time I had the thought, because it shocked me so much. It was the first time I had felt such hatred towards another human and it showed how much they were hurting me. I don't think I ever told anyone I felt that way, because it seemed so wrong.

Cover1W's picture

My DH said once that I show more affection to my cats than to YSD. Um, yes. First because my baby girl cats was sick and in decline so she got extra attention and second my cats actually appreciate it and unconditionally love me and show it.