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Glorified babysitting service?

winnie's picture

After a long time of not even talking to us, SS called today and asked me if we could come to the city and look after his daughter for two days. He will be gone most of the day and his nanny is on vacation. He said we can come if we want or he can leave her with his friends, who are either in their teens or in their twenties. Of course we said yes. My husband has a week off anyway. We have not seen our granddaughter in weeks and we jumped at the chance to see her. And I do not trust his friends. I am sure they are nice people and SS would only leave Sarah with people he trusted, but I am a crazy grandmother. I find myself feeling like we are nothing more than babysitters to SS. I hope he does not feel that way but I can't shake that feeling. Anyone else feel like they are just babysitters for their grandchildren? I also have to mention that I have been drilling into my husband to not say anything even slightly offensive that would make SS go off on him again. I told him to talk only about the weather if he has to. We are NOT screwing this visit this time.


Oi Vey's picture

I'd be grateful for the time with GD. Really. This guy has been through SO much and is doing SO well. The relationship with him is on such tenuous ground as it is. Maybe he does "need" you for this. But, if he really didn't want you guys involved, he would cancel his day off. It sounds like he thinks you want to see GD and he needs a little break.
Take lots of pictures. Smile