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Prayers needed please!

winnie's picture

I am bawling my eyes out. And I cannot go anywhere until my husband comes to pick me up for work. I just locked myself in my office so that no one can see. SS called me crying. He was in the hospital with his daughter. The poor baby has a brain tumor near the eye. He said it might look cancerous but surgery is required. He was there all alone and he was upset. I immediately called my husband. We are going to the hospital. I cannot control myself. She is just a baby. She has never hurt anyone. I would give her my life. Please pray for Sarah. Please. Just when you start thinking life is getting better. Something terrible happens. I hope God hears me.


DaizyDuke's picture

Oh no, Winnie! You have my prayers! Try to be strong for your DH, SS and Sarah, they all need you right now.

purpledaisies's picture

((huggs)) so sorry this is happening! poor baby I will be thinking of you guys. (((hugs))) again!

windee's picture

I am praying for Sarah, her dad and the both of you! I am so sorry she is going through this. Please keep us updated when you can.

OhNoYouDidNot's picture

We're sending all our positive thoughts and prayers for your family and for the little one! I'm so sorry this happened Sad and wish you much strength to support SS and your grand-daughter! Hugs

krazykate12's picture

I am so sorry that you and your family are going through this. My prayers are with your grandaughter.

skylarksms's picture

You are your family - especially baby Sarah - are in my thoughts and prayers.

Rags's picture

First prayer sent and delivered. More to come. Hang in there Winnie. Good things will happen.

Best regards,

sweetthing's picture

Winnie, I just sent some prayers your way. Please let us know how she is doing.

Doubletakex3's picture

OMG this is so horrific. Know that I'm sending positive thoughts to this baby, you and your family. Please keep us updated.