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We borrowed the money

winnie's picture

Against all the opinions given and our better judgement, we had to take the money from SS. We really had no choice. We got another medical bill and it was too much to handle with our house payment. I know people will disagree and we hated doing it but we really had no choice. We got rid of everything at home except heating and electricity. I use the internet during my lunch hour and the few minutes before I start work.

My husband explained the situation to SS and he promised him we would pay it back. SS did not say a word and said he would call us back. We really thought that SS would say no. But twenty minutes later SS called back and said he talked to his bank. They told him he was able to transfer the money online by adding us as a payee. SS offered more than what we needed and we told him we needed only 3400. SS told us not to pay him back and he is having zero expectations for us to pay him back. He told us to think of it as payment for looking after his daughter. Of course we will pay him back despite this.

My husband was so happy to hear his son wanting to help. I know it sounds cheesy but we were in tears. My husband was so proud of how caring and generous SS turned out to be. Despite his hard exterior, SS really has a good heart, just like my husband. We got the money Thursday and paid off the bill, which was our largest one. It was a huge load off our shoulders. And we were very lucky because I got the option of working a few more hours every week and my husband got a pizza delivery job on the weekends on Saturday through the help of a friend.

We will be giving SS installments of a 100 dollars. We really expected SS to get upset but he did not. SS sounded surprised that his father was not feeling well. I always told my husband to tell SS about his health problems but my husband was too uncomfortable with it. I think it got to SS because he mentioned visiting us sometime. Wish us luck everyone! It is hard for me to reply to comments because I type slow and I do not have much internet access. But I read every single comment.
