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I am not sure whether to be sad or angry

winnie's picture

I think SS's mother has reached a all time low. I never in my nearly half a decade life thought I would see a mother do this. The bitch has done some evil things before. But this is something else. We have a friend, Nancy, who is also a friend of the ex-wife. Nancy was our friend first and we asked her to be friends with the bitch so we could get updates on SS when he refused contact with us. It was a dirty move but we were deperate and had no choice. Nancy calls me yesterday informing me that my husband's ex-wife lied to SS and told him she had a heart attack and was in the hospital. The bitch only had a mild asthma attack and was already out of the doctor's office. It was not even a hospital. The bitch used the lie to make SS come all the way out to where she is, with his baby.

It is a 4 hour bus journey each way to where SS's mother lives. Of course, my husband texts SS and says "Your mother is not telling the truth. Call me". SS calls after 10 minutes. Poor SS was already on the bus. My husband explained it to him and SS started crying and hung up. We have no idea what he did after that. Nancy did tell us that SS did not go visit his mother and that the bitch was angry like hell. I do not even think she is human anymore. I know from talking to SS a week ago that he has one last exam this Tuesday before he is done for the summer. He should be studying but his own mother pulls stunts like this. He spent 8 hours in a bus with a child in his arms. And he must have been so worried for his mother, even after she did those things to him.

I think this might the final straw for SS. What if my husband's ex-wife really is in the hospital? Because of what she did, SS might not even come to see her. My husband was so upset. He kept saying how SS did not deserve all this. He said he made the biggest mistake of his life having a child with the woman. He had no idea she was such a monster. My husband wants to talk to SS about getting a no contact order against his mother. We would have done the same a long time ago. But we keep getting scared that doing something like that would make her go after SS more. My husband wants us to a be a distraction for the bitch so SS can get some relief from her crazy harrassment. And I agreed. But I think now all of us need to cut that crazy hag out completely and hope she does not do anything crazy.