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I spoke too soon. Happy news!

winnie's picture

I was bummed out Sunday because SS did not contact me at all for Mother's day. He used to get me gifts before we lost the custody case. Since then, he has not talked to me, until he came back. I have no children and SS is the closest to me ever having one. I was down all of Sunday. But this morning I got a bouquet of pink lilies and a card! It said "Happy Mother's day from SS and Sarah". And they were such beautiful lilies too. I was so happy I cried. I cry for everything! SS even apologised in the card for sending them late. And this is the best part, there was a second card for my husband. It was for the World's Best Grandfather. And it was only from Sarah. There was even a little picture of her with a fake mustash on her her itty-bitty face. It was he cutest thing I have ever seen. There was nothing written in it though. Just "From Sarah". I think it is a big step towards SS being less anry at his father. Hopefully SS will call and we can meet them this weekend. My husband took the card to work and showed everyone. I have never seen him so happy. He has been very upset and regretful all of last week. We are just really happy!


young_step_mom's picture

I am so glad for you!! I hope they work it out and you can see your granddaughter soon! DH should call and thank SS for the card, after all SS did take a big step in sending the card in the first place and DH should reciprocate. Maybe if he calls and thanks SS, SS will mention something about meeting up! I am so happy for you!!!!! Happy Mother's Day!