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I need to unload

_Wishful_'s picture

I need to unleash...  I wish I could say this at home.  The context is, I make dinners I don't want to make, things I don't want to eat every night.  I work full time, I do sports about 15 hours a week, and do **most** of the cleaning, constantly pick up after other people, and do most of the cooking.  At the end of the day, I stretch a little bit, and then spend the rest of the evening on the floor because the SD and dog take my spot on the couch and I'm too nice to ask people on the couch who are comfortable to accommodate me.  First one up, chores before work, chores after work, and I end the day on the floor.  And when I want to do something that's a "me" thing, I encounter childish resistance. If I had the spine to say this at home, I would.  And the ex, it’s not just that she doesn’t speak to me.  The one time she had to be in a room with me IN MY OWN HOME she literally ran past me out the door when I showed up.  I couldn’t pick her out of a line up OR CALL HER IN THE EVENT OF AN EMERGENCY, which I’ve needed and couldn’t do when it affected her child.

The reason why vacations are an issue is because I feel like every day is an issue.  We orient our lives around what you and SD want to do, but when I ask you to do something so simple as take a walk with me after work you'd rather be upstairs at a computer.  You come up with every excuse that you don't want to.  I try to come up with suggestions to make it more appealing, but you don't want to, so we won't.

I don't want to put up with ex-wife using her fake illness and SD as a tool to manipulate us anymore.  I don't want more days when I have to beg you to put a breakfast dish in the dishwasher and then have a full service dinner for you while I wait for you to put the time and effort into running your ex wife's errands for her.  You're offended when I don't feel as if the time and effort you put in every day was for me when I recognize that it's for SD and ex wife.  If I ran around and helped out some ass hat guy that couldn't look you in the eye and say "hi" to you, no matter what the connection was you'd make me feel absolutely awful to the core for that.  If I then complained how tired and stressed I was and made myself unavailable at home after that, you'd reduce me to tears.  When I want to do something far more benign, like ride up to home state with you and SD to tag along on one of your trips and see my friends, the guilt is laid on SO HARD.  It doesn't happen and I'm hardly in touch with them anymore because the intensity of my days leaves me wanting to isolate with the little time I have left instead of admitting to anyone how stressed out I am.

Ex wife knows she can count on your ongoing commitment.  With drivers ed and SD potentially getting a job in the future, ex wife will have you driving all over town to avoid SD feeling the negative consequences of ex wife’s irresponsibility.  The ex can go to the grocery store or to the Y for hours, but she can't run an errand for SD.  I will not put up with feeling overwhelmed by complicated dinner expectations while you help ex wife more and more.  I'm sorry if it's a consequence for SD, but you need to tell ex wife what you tell me to tell you.  F***ing NO MORE.

At this point, there is no reminding me that there was a reason why she was once special to you.  That does not give her the right to continue to manipulate us and manipulate your time to make a point to me.  She needs to harden the f*** up and display some ***MINIMALLY*** decent behavior.  I will not put up with her selfishness and will not let her dominate your time.  I don't have words for the level of selfishness that she has displayed with her lack of help with SD sports events.  She's a c*** through and through, but the consequences of her behavior are ours.  If it seems like you are going to make an enemy of her for not prioritizing her comfort and convenience, where in this do I fit in?  I feel like I don't.  I feel like my place is chores and facilitation, patience and tolerance.

Pent up inside is a lot of rage that words aren't going to fix.  You can’t talk or rationalize away the pain and shock that I’ve encountered in seeing what my role is.  Time, consistency, and action will fix it.  I've been told "no" to one-off requests for help SO MANY times, that I need to see a change before I feel like I can heal from the pain that I feel.  None of this is new, and none of this seems to improve.

I looked for [new sports equipment just purchased for SD].  It was hard to find a item THAT expensive.  Don't bullshit me.  I was hoping that the boots wouldn’t cost more than $400 - and I thought that would be a lot.  They cost $800???  Don’t spend that kind of money criticize me for spending half the money on sports safety equipment I’ll use often and for longer.  Don’t expect me to blindly put up with that shit.  I'm not dumb.  SD has nicer sports clothing for me.  I could not justify spending that kind of money on myself when I started sports, but it's expected that I just cough it up for her to have the best of the best.  There's a point when it is earned and justified and a point when that shit is obscene.  There is NO ONE else that I would train with that treats me like I have a damn target on my back that SD gleefully wants to nail.  SD whines when I limit her time training with me.  SD can train on her own and my training is MY time, not her outlet to impose her petty competitive mean girl vibe on me.  She has plenty of other targets.

So that’s where we are.  The rage runs deep.  The resentment follows me through the day.  I expect the worse.  I left a pan in the sink yesterday for SD to do (her chores).  She set it aside dirty.  I spent my whole evening in the busiest possible week for her.  That pan is in the sink again today.  It’ll be ugly if it’s still dirty tonight.


Rags's picture

There is only them and their beck-and-call girl/chore bitch/custom short order cook live in indentured servant.  Guess where you fall in this? I'll give you three guesses and the first two don't count.

Flush the shit, all of them, and get on with your life.

Though when you do that, you have to grow the testicular fortitude to stand firm on your requirements from those in your life.

Your partner is not a partner at all. His shit failed family sperm stain children and his toxic XW are not worthy of you.

You must recognize that you are worthy of making and defending your best life. That cannot include these people. At all. Any of them. Including the failed POS you are in a relationship with.

Start with kicking toxic spawn off of the couch. They can slither on the floor.  Never again cook anything that YOU do not want. They eat what you cook or they.... starve. All of them.

In fact, never cook for any of them again.  If they eat, they figure it out. You cook amazing meals for yourself and kick their asses out while you enjoy your feast.  Make peaceful calm and enjoying living well your focus.

My face turned purple with anger reading your original post above.  

This is beyond tolerable. Stop tolerating it.


End them.


Lillywy00's picture

Rule #1 - if you are older then they are....they move so you can lay/sit down

Gotta teach these skids some home training since their bio parents failed the assignment   

If they complain then simply say "Little Timmy, you respect your elders by offering them a seat. Now get up so I can sit down!" 

Exercise your seniority privileges!!!

CLove's picture

You need to vent? You are in the right place!

You need advice? Still in the right place!

Snark, empathy, problem-solving, shoulders - its all here.

That outline of your feelings and desciption of the landscape of what your life is like and resentment and rage - we have all been there in some capacity.

I dont cook or clean when visitation is happening. I dont take SD17 Powersulk anywhere or do anything for her. I am no contact with Toxic Troll BM, and SD24 Feral Forger. I stay away from any mean girl activity. 

As to the floor thing? WTF? That needs to stop, seriously. Special dinners every night? Partner and you take turns. Just a few of the nuggets I have...

AgedOut's picture

drop. the.  rope. 

you're playing tug of war and you're not going to win.

do your dishes, cook for yourself, take that ride/weekend out/time w/ people who want to spend that time with you. 



you are only the doormat until you decide to stand off, move away from the path and dust yourself off. 

wipe 'Welcome' off your forehead and let them take care of themselves.

Rags's picture

Do not let them dirty a thing.  

Paper and plastic for them.  Pigs don't get dishes or durable dining utensils.  Pigs do not get meals perpared for them.

Give them a can opener, canned food, and tell them to figure it out. Lock anything and everything else up.

When daddy and the failed family spawn start crying, highlight their toxic nasty history and tell them no nothing until they extricate their heads from the butts and behave respectfully.



Lillywy00's picture

Leave that pan in the sink till it rusts, bugs come out, and opportunistic delusional bio parent needs to use it and is forced by default to wash it. 

_Wishful_'s picture

As we were rushing around trying to get ready for our sports activities in the evening, I sputtered out the ex wife's qualities: irresponsible, selfish and manipulative.  Unfortunately, SD got dragged into it when DH and SD were on the way to their practice, and is now asking her mom to take her to practice if it would otherwise require DH to drive out of the way.  I was very surprised that this will happen this week and that my DH won't be expected to spend all evening in the car after driving across the country for two days.  I told him that's in wholly unacceptable that he caters to his ex's expectation that he cater to her.  I also told him that I'm not asking him to continue to take on the burden of all of the transport and put on a face for me, but rather find a better solution.  I also told him that for me, I should NOT have to beg for help and should not feel like I have to stick up for myself if I hope to be treated with respect.  That's not how partners and families treat each other.  Our home is not "the real world."  It's not a cut-throat environment.  And when he took his time coming to bed last night, he lost his chances.  He will be reminded that words won't fix the environment we created but actions and time will.  There isn't a happy ending here, but hopefully a small step in the right direction...

Thumper's picture

Sit on the sofa in your favorite spot. When skid is in your spot, say " scoot over a little, please". This first step if very freeing. 


Do YOUR own dishes, clothing etc. Cleanup  after yourself, only. All the skids stuff is up to the skid parent/s. And I do me ALL skid stuff. 

You are right, when you said "I told him that's in wholly unacceptable that he caters to his ex's expectation that he cater to her."

We are here for you---Welcome to steptalk. 





Rags's picture

I hope that you find this to be a good place to vent, contribute, and to pick up some useful perspective from others who are living the adventure of the blended family dream.

Take care of you!

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