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yogasmom's picture

Thank you BM for fighting so hard for your children just to give them up. Thank you for not taking your visitation all year and breaking their little hearts. Thank you for forcing legal procedures in two states. Thank you for esencially wasting 9 months of out time and thousands of dollars in legal fees over your temper tantrum. And thank you for picking a shitty lawyer that was so bad our lawyer had to waste her time redoing your lawyers work. Thank you so much, I really enjoyed the 1300 dollar bill that I will end up paying since DH has no money after paying everything else. I'm really going to enjoy using our wedding money to pay the lawyer. You bitch, next Christmas I'm going to send you a house plant to replace the oxygen you waste.


yogasmom's picture

Yes, I am sure. Which is a good thing since we're already married. It's a little late to back out noe. DH is awesome, SDs are awesome. BM is insane. But not to the point that I can't live with it because DH deals with her. Money wise, we just came out of an 8 month custody battle so yea, we are still licking our wounds but things have improved a lot. I talked to DH about the lawyer bill and how to pay it, he agrees our wedding money (given to us by family and friends) shouldn't be touched. So he's calling Monday to set up a payment plan.

yogasmom's picture

This exactly. We've worked really hard to have a CO in place to cut the effects of her actions out as much as possible. I think she's planning on filing again in about 5 years and I'm amused bc status quo will already be set. The last bill from our lawyer just really set me off.

ChiefGrownup's picture

So she tried to get custody then when she lost she didn't even take visitation? What a peach. Judge obviously made the right decision.

yogasmom's picture

Didn't even make it to a judge, she settled outside of court. Treated DH like a sperm donor the whole time, god it was a nightmare. I don't try to understand her actions at this point, they aren't explainable.