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BM and Facebook

young but wise's picture

For starters I want to admit my fault. I was two weeks late paying pre-school tuition this month because I completely forgot about it with everything else I had going on. The school would like my check to clear before SS returns to school. Not a big deal. He will miss yesterday and at the most Thursday as well.
Now this morning we get a text calling us liars because she supposedly talked to someone at the church that he goes to school at. She says that we haven’t paid them all last year or this year. Why would they let us come back this year if we never paid last year? Then it turned into this whole huge deal about why I won’t accept her Facebook friend request. SO and I share a Facebook. She has un-friended us three times in less than a year. We finally decided we were no longer going to let her see our Facebook. If she wants nothing to do with me, she doesn’t need to see my personal stuff. Needless to say, she is pissed about this. She says she has the right to see it and that she will take us to court over it. She says that because we post pictures of her child, she has a right as a mother to be able to see it. Gah I just want the drama do go away and have minimal contact with her period.


SMof2Girls's picture

Block her on Facebook and stop responding to the harrassment. If she continues, have a protection order drawn up. She can be as bitter and angry and miserable as she wants, but she's not allowed to harass you. That is against the law.

SO needs to let her know that he will respond to emails only unless there is an emergency .. and then stick to it.

And HE needs to be dealing with school and making payments .. not you. Especially if it's causing drama for you.

Anon2009's picture

I would suggest that you and SO set up separate facebook accounts, and then you block her from yours. I do not share a facebook page with DH.

oldone's picture

Just block her on FB and then extend that to everything else. Let her take you to court over it so the judge can get a good laugh.

I'm having dinner tonight with a local judge I'm going to ask him if he could maintain a straight face of a BM tried suing because the SM wouldn't be friends with her on FB. I think I'll say this after he gets his first drink and see if he spews it all over laughing. I'll clue his wife in first. She worked in the court system for about 25 years herself. They will get a big laugh out of it.

twopines's picture

She calls you liars and is upset you're not FB friends? LOL! What a dork.

I would separate my things so she can't bother me. My DH can deal with the drama of it all.

RainbowsAndDaisies's picture

Tell her to take you to court. Watch the judge laugh in her face. This is ridiculous.

remmi1982's picture

I had to deal with FB drama from my DH's ex like that for a while...I just got rid of FB. Never felt better. Dirol

bearcub25's picture

I was friend with BM for a few months. I tried to email the skids activities, she would twist it and start email wars, that I participated in but it felt damn good.
I had had enuf one day and posted on my status....stop acting like a teenager and grow the eff up, I'm gonna have to review my friends list.

She sent an email and said let me do that for you and deleted me as a friend......then tried to add me again 10 SECONDS later. NOT.