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young_step_mom's picture

So my SS is potty trained (for the most part) but my DH still has to go in and help him out when he is "done" using the bathroom. So my DH went to the store a few days ago and SS said he had to go to the bathroom. I took him in and put his little step stool so he could get on the toilet and then he asked me to leave. No big deal, he needs his privacy. Then when he was done he asked if his daddy was back yet and and I said no, so he said he would wait for him because he didn't want me to see him.

Also, the other day DH had to go into work on the weekend. He would normally take SS with him (it's a family business) but he didn't want to wake SS up so I told him when SS got up I would take him into work and we could all go have breakfast together. When SS finally woke up I tried to change him so we could go meet up with DH and he threw a fit when I tried to take his PJs off. I told him he couldn't go out in his PJs but he insisted so I just put some shoes and a jacket on him and took some clothes in a bag to DH could change him when we got to work. DH had a talk w SS when we got to his office and told him I was allowed to change his clothes but SS didn't really listen. SS has also been asking me to leave the room or cover my eyes whenever DH is going to change his clothes and I am around. This leaving the room started a few months ago and I didn't really think anything of it until the the bathroom thing and the changing his PJs thing (which both happened recently).

I guess what really got to me was that I have known this kid for a year and a half and have been changing his diapers and his clothes for a while, so I don't really know where it came from. Plus, he lives full time w his mom and she has no brothers so I don't think its a "I don't want girls to see me" thing because a female in his family has to be changing his clothes and helping him in the bathroom at his house? Is it just me? I really threw me off and just wanted to see what you guys thought.


young_step_mom's picture

Yes, he is 3. I think that is a great idea, thanks! Next time I am just going to leave some clothes out for him and I will tell DH that he should also have SS dress himself instead of doing it for him.

TheWickedStepmom's picture

Yeah, once a kid starts showing signs of "modesty" it is definitely time for them to dress and wipe themselves. Your dh better start teaching this boy how to wipe himself or there's going to be problems when dad's not there or is not going to be there for a little while. Smile

SteppingUp's picture

Ditto -- if he's three he should be dressing himself now.

SS3 takes off his night time pullup in the morning, throws it in the garbage, then runs to go put his underwear on -- so he's just starting to show some modesty! Yet he lets me wipe his butt... Even so, he still gets dressed all on his own.

You and DH could have just a little talk with SS and say that you want him to start being a big boy and he'll need to start getting dressed on his own. But that if he needs "help" with anything, it's okay for you to help him out even though you're a girl. Would reminding him that you changed his diapers not long ago help? It could be that he is just doing what he's doing as attention-seeking behavior.

overit2's picture

Shoot my 11yr old still likes to streak around the house sometimes. UGHHH The kid hates clothes-his idea of modesty are boxers. My youngest is pretty much entirely opposite. Raised the same way.

Was comforting to know mines not the only kid- when I met my bf's mom for the first time she told me a few of his streaking stories as a kid Smile

overit2's picture

Oh God..he's going to keep on doing this then??? WHY ME??? lol
Yep to the "get some clothes on!!!!" mantra. These streakers!! I think it's a sensitivity to clothes and climate more then anything-or they just like being naked or scantily clad lol

They'll drive their wives crazy one day..hey then again I encourage my guy to go around naked w/a tool belt if he's working on things in the house and it's just us Smile

SusiQ's picture

DS loves to run around naked at home - yep he's 3 - but apparently he's got some form of modesty because at day care (it's an in home) he and the other little boys and they all take clothing off down to the undies and run around like crazy people. However, if DH is home, DH has to help with the bathroom duty if needed - I'm told to sit down Momma - Daddy help me. I'm like ok - one less thing for me to worry about!

majka's picture

Yeah, my SS3 and SD4 both dress themselves... SD4 has recently began to show EXTREAM modesty infront of her brother... like screams if he walks by the door while she is taking a bath or anything... we just bathe them seperatly, and let them dress themselves... no problem!

sway1's picture

his Mother could be in a room changing and telling him not to come in the room... so maybe that is why he does it to you. thinking he can't see his Mom and 'MOM's can't see him..... I wouldn't put much thought into it. he is still very young Wink