"Hate" for skids, stronger then love for DH- possible divorce?
This may be long.
I am looking for advice and support. Please dont criticize on things that are already as they are.
I also dont want to get a divorce for many reasons... so that is not what I want the end result to be.
DH and I have been married 10 months.
When DH and I first got together, everyone got along. Once we got engaged, we moved in together, I bought a house that we live in, etc that is when things started to go bad with the skids.
Partly the skids and their behavior, partly BM's influence and partly DH's lack of wanting to address the issues. I know at times I have been stubborn and have put a wall up. But I do feel that I tried many many times, often met with resistence from the skids and even DH. Kind of like, well if I dont do it the skids way (give into their demands) then I can't do anything.
So the first year we lived together this is how things went. We then went to counseling for many months and I felt like we had a huge breakthrough. We decided to set a wedding date.
It was good for me because I felt like I had DH on my team. The skids werent really coming around and DH didnt seem to miss them too much. As I saw it, he was starting to see their true colors. We start planning our wedding and I feel 100% going into it. (initially)
Then closer to the wedding date, I notice that DH is starting to back away from BS. DH isnt exactly the best dad to his own kids so I didnt expect much in terms of him being a SF. However in the beginning and up until this time he exceeded my epxectations. He understood that it was important for me to marry someone who was interested in being a family with myself and BS, since BS is so young and his father isnt around much.
So right before the wedding I see a change in him. I figure I'm busy, he's busy, wedding planning, work, etc At the time I am thinking... okay DH has been happy to be a "parent" to BS for the past 2 1/2 years, he has only been acting like this for the past 6 weeks, it's okay we will work through it.
We did have a brief discussion around this time because I thought that maybe he was distancing himself from BS because I had done that with his kids and even though he had did the same, maybe he had a change of heart.
No, no everything is fine he says. Okay. But I did take this time to explain to him... please dont marry me if you dont want to be a family. And I understand its a difficult situation with your kids and I, but I want to make it clear that as of right now I dont want anything to do with your kids unless I see a change in them. I am ALWAYS open to things being better but I'm tired of putting myself out there and them stabbing me in the back and having ZERO support from you. Things have been good the past year, I dont want the marriage to change that and bring about expectations that we are now going to be one big happy family.
He said he agreed and understood.
So we get married. And right away he starts pushing the skids on me and for them to come over and stay the night (even though its been close to 2 years since they had last stayed the night)and for us to do holidays.
So of course I am mad and resentful. But I try to suck it up. Get a new attitude and try, try again (For like my 10th time) at trying to make the skid situation work.
Well I notice that the girl skids could care less and they havent changed. But I also notice that when they are around (which thankfully isnt very often) DH acts like an ass to me. (I posted a blog about this on Saturday). It's like he feels guilty for marrying me, because I dont like his kids or something?
So for the past 10 months that we have been married I think about our life.
My "complaints" that aren't even skid related:
*We dont do anything as a family.
*We dont do anything unless it revolves around drinking or watching TV.
*DH isnt very involved in my BS's life. Still feel like a single parent.
*I feel like we have nothing in common.
We are just kind of living together. Not fighting. But not really in love.
I believe that this is how his relationship with BM was. DH cant communicatie, he shuts down.
He goes through these phases of where he wont talk to me for a few days. Almost "punishing" me for whatever issue I tried to talk to him about.
And when he does talk to me, it's always that I am crazy. I am the one with the problem, he is just fine.
And I think he is just fine. DH would be 100% okay to just go through life "fine". Growing up he had a horrible life, so anything better then that is a good life. Married to BM was horrible, so anything better then that is good.
Now skid related, I just cant stand the thought of them. I feel like they are a black cloud over my life. And I just cant get past it. Even though nothing has really changed from them since we got married- as in they were jerks before and they are still jerks- but since we got married it bothers me MORE.
I am almost mad at myself for getting married knowing what I know.
Now before anyone goes into the whole "you shouldnt have married him if you didnt like his kids and it was already bad... blah blah blah". I obviously got married for the right reasons and went into it thinking I was doing the right thing. He has changed a lot since we have gotten married.
In some ways he has improved in areas that we had issues in. But when it comes to the skids and family relations and couple relations- 1 x 1 he has went downhill.
It's almost like "Oh I am married, now I dont have to do anything."
I have brought up counseling before and he refuses, since he thinks its ME that needs it and not him. But I dont think there is anything that a counseling is going to tell ME alone that is going to change how I am approaching our marriage and what I am doing in our marriage.
When I think of a life without DH I am sad. When I think of a life without skids I am beyond elated. I feel like they are the reasons for so many of our problems. Even though its also DH's fault. I do recogonize that.
Also his kids are older 21, 20, 18. 15. So it's not like I am talking about little kids that I cant stand.
Thanks for anyone who made it all the way through... just feeling really confused and sad and dissapointed.
- zerostepdrama's blog
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What I've learned from being
What I've learned from being married is there's an adjustment period. Many people have different ideas and expectations from a spouse than they do a SO. I think he may have actually been fine with you as his girlfriend not being too interested trying to make it work with his kids, but as his wife he may think differently. I'm sorry your going through this rough patch. Maybe suggest counseling to him again and point out how it was helpful last time.
It probably is hypocritical.
It probably is hypocritical. But the way I look at it when it comes to the kids. My BS is a lot younger. He treats DH with respect. Wants DH to play with him and do things with him. He lives in our home 24/7. He is influenced by myself and DH, not much by his biodad.
Skids- SS I am fine with, he once lived with us and all was good.
The girl skids are mean, nasty, manipulative thiefs who would probably dance on my grave. They have never lived with me or DH while we were dating. They are strongly influenced by BM.
Also DH wants family when its convienent for him. He would allow his kids to come over to the house when its convienent to him. I say to him he is a half ass dad. He is a dad when its convienent to him. So for me, I find it hard to deal with his kids b.s and put up with it, etc when he picks and choses based off of what he has going on that day.
He doesnt want a family 24/7, only when it doesnt interfere in whatever he is doing.
Hope that makes sense.
Yes... and maybe its not fair
Yes... and maybe its not fair but I get really annoyed when DH wants to push the skids on me (after all they have done to me and after how many times I tried with them) when he himself isnt even really serious about being a parent.
I hope that makes sense?
Like how can you expect me to have a relationship with them, when you only have one when its convienent for you.
I feel that I put a higher standard on him when it came to my son. Like Oh BM may have been okay with you being a half ass dad but I am not okay with you being a half ass SF.
And when it comes to BS I dont expect much AT ALL. Seriously. What I am asking for is, can we eat dinner together at the table instead of you drinking out on the patio while BS and I eat dinner.
Can you come with me to BS's soccer game and keep me company, so I am not sitting alone...again...
Can you go on a bike ride with me and BS, do something different besides drinking outside, or watching TV.
For me and BS, its more about the family stuff.
And as much as I strongly dislike his kids... I have offered plenty of times, even recently for us to all do something family orientated. Recently it was the pool. And DH seriously acted so offended that I asked if YSD wanted to come. I just dont get it.
I assume you are talking
I assume you are talking about drinking alcohol when you mention the drinking. Is he an alcoholic?
A functioning alcoholic.
A functioning alcoholic.
BS's dad was one, but the abusive, cheating, not going to pay the bills type.
I KNEW how DH was going into the marriage, so yes I am stupid on that part. But it has gotten worse as time has gone on. He would still at least have 1 "family day" where he did stuff and wasn't drinking.
I think a lot of our issues (and his issues with BM and the skids) center around his drinking and how much time that takes up.
I'm gonna say that none of
I'm gonna say that none of the other issues will get resolved until the drinking problem gets resolved. And most functioning alcoholics REFUSE to admit it's a problem. Have you thought about going to al-anon?
By pushing the family thing,
By pushing the family thing, aren't you doing the very thing many SMs here complain about? Many SPs just want to be a husband or wife. No matter how well behaved and respectful the kids may be, some step parents just aren't interested in being a parent figure to their SKs.
I made it clear when we first
I made it clear when we first started dating that I would not live with a man who ignored my BS or didnt want to at least function as a family. He knew how important it was to me. And to be fair, he never made those same expectations clear to me about his kids.
He had the chance then to leave me, which he didnt. At that time and up until about a year ago, he did do family things. Not as much as I would like or how I "thought" a marriage/family should be, but enough.... Now he does nothing....
Which I get, people change, feelings change. And if that is the case, I need to figure out how this is going to impact our marriage.
I don't really have any
I don't really have any advice but I am sorry that you are going through this and I give you many hugs.
I will say that in 17+ years, my DH and I have never gone a few days without speaking to each other and believe me, there are times that I deserve it!
We are just kind of living together. Not fighting. But not really in love.
^^^To be at this point, especially having been married only 10 months, is really sad. I don't know what I would do.
Thank you... I am thinking...
Thank you... I am thinking... wow only 10 months and its already going downhill?
DH and BM were married for 16 years. DH says they were more off then they were on. Now thinking about it though, I think he is totally okay to just stay married out of laziness. How can you stay married to someone for 16 years that you didnt love and you guys fought, etc unless you are just lazy......
Oh yeah... I think he could
Oh yeah... I think he could go on like this forever honestly. Um me not so much. Did it with my Ex, promised myself I would NEVER do it again.
I'm so worried about BS
I'm so worried about BS having to go through this again... it breaks my heart... he really loves DH. He would be devastated if we divorced.
^^ Scubed is right on the
I totally get what you are
I totally get what you are saying and that is exactly why I left BS's dad.
I love DH, I really do. But when I think about our future I either think of us being divorced or if we do make it I think of me being pleasantly surprised that we did make it.
I have been married for about
I have been married for about 11 months and I feel the same way you do. Something changed after we got married and it's hard to figure out why. You feel like you should still be on your honeymoon and instead it's blah. I've mostly disengaged from my stepkids and it has helped. If he continues to want to include the skids more, maybe you could find other things to do when he spends time with them. He may not go for it but if he can, it might help.
sorry to hear you are going
I almost feel like he wants
I almost feel like he wants me to like the skids- but only on their terms. If I like the skids then I have to do what DH says and what the skids say and I dont have any say on how its going to go. I cant question anything.
Because I do try time and time again... Its like every 3-4 months I think, okay well let me try this again so I can see if that is the big issue in the marriage and see if I can fix it and get back on track but I am met with resistence. I just dont get it.
Thanks Mairin
Thanks Mairin
When I think of a life
When I think of a life without DH I am sad. When I think of a life without skids I am beyond elated
This is EXACTLY how I feel. The first couple of years that DH and I dated and then lived together, I like the skids. We got along just fine. Then about the time BS4 came along, things started going down hill with both skids very rapidly. I think my biggest problem is that I hold grudges. It is impossible for me to "forgive and forget" So whenever I look at SD16 all I can think about is the brat who stole my clothes, called me names, has lied to me numerous times, manipulates, acts entitled etc. Does she have good qualities? Yes, she actually does, but for the life of me, I can not see past the bad.
SS15 is a whole other story. He has ZERO good qualities that I can see and I HATE BM2 with a fiery passion (is that right to lump that in with SS15? most definitely not, but I'm just being honest) I wouldn't say that DH is a crappy parent, he does try, BUT when the going gets tough, he is not one to put the effort into going the mile. He will just roll over or stick his head in the sand. Skids and BMs know this and take full advantage.
SD16 has been living with us for over a year. We will have a month or two of relative quiet, then a blow up.. always over something stupid and ALWAYS over SD16 and most of the time because I dare speak out about the ridiculousness of her behavior. The frustrating thing is that 75% of the time SD drives DH nuts too, I KNOW that if he could choose without having people judge him he would choose to NOT have her living with us. But my DH is so damned worried about what people think and is so damned scarred from having his father walk out on him and his mother when DH was a baby that he can't and won't say no. Hell, DH only saw SD16 3 times in her first 4 years of life, because he didn't want anything to do with BM1 or SD. Then he started feeling guilty, pressured from MIL etc and tried to be a father. I give the man credit for sticking out as long as he has for as much drama and bullshit that he has had to put up with.
I don't even know where in the world I am going with all of this, other than to tell you that you are not alone. All I know is I just want to be happy. But happiness is a no win situation. I'd be happy as a clam with DH, but can't be happy with skids... so I medicate and tolerate and try to get through.
So, you got married knowing
So, you got married knowing that your partner has flaws. Good. A lot of people are surprised to find that out. You were even aware of the flaws - his lazy contribution to 'family' and his alcoholism.
I don't think I could be married to someone who refused to have dinner with me. Definitely not if it's because he'd rather drink. I want to be married to someone who's company I can enjoy. Leaving BS completely out of this, I can see where you're missing the family life. Lots of couples are a family without kids. They have dinner together, pick up groceries together, go to ball games together. Shared time and shared interests might be the biggest ties that bind us to each other.
I think there is nothing wrong in wishing DH wanted to be part of your family. Especially when he used to want to be.
If there is no problem between DH and BS, then this is all on DH. If he's not willing to figure out, talk about, or work on why... you're stuck.
*Maybe* DH is wishing his kids could be part of your family too. And from you I'm hearing they could be, with the condition that we all treat each other with love and respect. But (s)kids don't necessarily do that and if DH isn't willing to make the effort here... again. Stuck.
I think you could probably find a better match, not that I think you need to run out and get divorced. I just think, the appeal of a man like this is the distance in the relationship. You know better than to ever really trust or love him, because he is fundamentally an addict.
Thank you everyone for your
Thank you everyone for your kind words and advice. I know I have complained about these issues before... so I appreciate everyone providing feedback.
I really need to think things through- long term and short term.
I probably also need to go back to counseling.... I think it will help long term.