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zuzieq611's Blog

Who says I'm to old to have a box for a coffee table?

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It's been a couple of weeks since I've written. Short version....been with DH for 4 yrs. I have 2 sons, both grown and on their own. He unfortunately felt his biological clock ticking in his late 30's has 2 sons that he has custody of SS14 and SS9. SS14...BAD NEWS, manipulative, violent, pulls doors off hinges, punches holes in walls, beats the tar out of SS9, talks to adults like they are garbage, suspended 4 times last year. I gave THE ULTIMATUM a year ago, get him right, get him help or send him to live with BM..if you don't, I'm outa here.

How did I end up on an inflatable bed?

zuzieq611's picture

I started this blog about a month ago. Long story short...Have a SS14, who is very aggressive, has tantrums, gets kicked out of school,, beats the tar of SS9. Been with DH 4 yrs. A year ago, I gave the ultimatum....either get the kid help or move him to BM's , you have a year, and then I'm leaving if you don't. DH is custodial parent.

It's a long road

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It’s a long road…..

Well DH is home, temporarily at least. SS14 is still at MIL’s at least for the rest of this week. We talked until well after midnight last night trying to work it out. SS14 has no where else to go…BM doesn’t want him, MIL doesn’t want him, uncles etc.

Oh what a tangled web we weave......

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SS14 has been out of control since I've been with DH, as puberty hits it has gotten worse. We have holes in our walls, door torn off the hinges, beats the tar out of the 9yr old, was suspended from school last year 4 times for fighting. I have seen him get in DH's face and taunt him. So...DH had 1yr. to either get this kid help or send him to live with BM. Well...nothing was done and I did the 'ultimatum' of 'bring him back in this house and I am leaving'. I don't like ultimatums, it took a lot to get me to this point.

Day 6 of Camp MIL

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Well we are on day 6 of DH at MIL’s. Ultimatums’ are risky, really risky. Long story short, I gave DH an ultimatum that he had a year to deal with SS14, either medicate him, put him in boarding school, or back with BM. Problem is DH works 60+ hrs a week, leaves me to deal w/a kid that is mean, disrespectful, manipulative and prone to tearing doors off hinges and punching holes in walls. Well year is up, DH has not made any changes, I can no longer deal with a kid that is taller than I am and outweighs me and feel safe.

Message from BM

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This is a message I just received from my SS9's BM, I just took SS name out, mind you that DH is custodial parent. I never answer these....but god what do you do with someone who is this vile and hateful??? I stay away from this woman....far away, I do not see her, I do not speak to her, but I find her very very scary? What would you do? SK's tell me that she is obsessed, and questions them constantly about us.

May as well just act the part.....

zuzieq611's picture

So I haven't seen DH since Friday AM. He's been camped at MIL's trying to figure out how to cover his backside. I did speak to him last night and was amazed.......Now check this out. DH's mother, both brothers, their wives and a couple of people I don't even know were all assembled to as DH says 'Figure this thing out".
