May as well just act the part.....
So I haven't seen DH since Friday AM. He's been camped at MIL's trying to figure out how to cover his backside. I did speak to him last night and was amazed.......Now check this out. DH's mother, both brothers, their wives and a couple of people I don't even know were all assembled to as DH says 'Figure this thing out".
Okay so they are having a friggin' summit over there at Camp MIL's to figure what thing out??? To tell DH how to parent? To perform an exorcisim on SS1? Nope don't think so..This is the crap that never ceases to amaze me. DH promises to get SS1 psychological help or send him off to military school or mum's or start acting like a father, he does NONE of these things....and what do they do?? They all assemble to figure out what to do with ME!
It is so INSANE that I don't even know how to handle it. Fine, Fine, you want a wicked step-mother I'll be one. Does anyone know where to get one of those hats like the one in my avatar?
- zuzieq611's blog
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I agree with this. My MIL
I agree with this.
My MIL backed ME 100%, and my DH still blamed everything on ME. DH is going to have to see for himself what his kids are really like. It will be a long hard road, you just need to think about whether you really can live the rest of your life like this.
Sorry! My MIL told my DH
Sorry! My MIL told my DH that it was a mistake to have married me after our 1 yr. anniversary. That I was the most bitter, negative person she'd ever met. WOW! I have not liked her as much since I heard that. And she's the one he runs to for "advise". After him not really working for 3 years I wonder what her take is now? And when sonny boy calls her for financial help, i.e. handout #305, I have to surmiss no stinkin wonder I am negative. Living w/them & him not parenting or working to potential (ha-ha) is not fair to a newlywed SM.
If it looks like a duck,
If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, I am assuming it is a duck. I have spoken to DH, and it is about me changing the status quo. It is also about him trying to figure out how he'll handle it, doing what is best for both boys, trying to salvage the marriage etc. I am not longer willing to deal with SS2's lying, manipulation, disprespect, tantrums etc., DH knew that I was at the end of my rope, I suppose he just didn't think I'd really go through with it. It bothers me because although I have been both boys primary caretaker for almost 4yrs., I don't believe anyone in his family has actually ever asked me what my thoughts and feelings are nor do I think that how I feel about it is ever taken into account with DH's family. DH knows because I tell him. It is more that I have interuptted the 'status quo' by kicking up dust and making life inconvienient. That is my feeling, do I think they'd come right out and tell me that? No. I am terribly hurt by the whole situation, I am hurt that DH didn't think enough of his son or our marriage to do the right thing by both.