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SD12 is having a bday party and sleep over...thinking about not being home...

Manda's picture

So, I guess SD12 called FH last weekend while she was at her moms and asked if she could have a bday party for herself with her girlfriends and a sleep over and he said yes without even asking me or discussing it with me. He just told me last weekend that this was happening so, of course I was totally pissed. I told him when he sprung it on me that I might not be home for it. I don't think that he believed me... But last night we ran into my aunt and she was telling me about a little pub crawl that she was planning for the same night and I told her I would go on it but FH wouldn't be going. Later on FH didn't seem too happy and kind of quiet so I asked him what the problem was and he said nothing. I asked him if he was mad about me going on the pub crawl and he said no. I'm really thinking that he is though...however Im not feeling that bad because I wasn't even asked about the party and it's not my responsibility to take care of 13 little 12 year olds all night. If it was brought to me I would have said no to the sleep over because SD is goingto be with her grandparents the following day and she gets really bitchy and crabby when she doesn't get enough sleep. I don't know...should I be the big person and stay and help chaperone the party or go and do my own thing? I know if I go out I'll feel guilty while I'm out but I know that if I stay I'll be miserable...


stepmom2one's picture

I'd go out. Just doing this one time will make him ask you about these things from here on out. IMO if you cave and stay he will do this again in the future.

You have a right to be upset, let him learn the lesson. I assure you after this it won't happen again }:)

Manda's picture

Thank you! I was thinking the same thing...I just want to teach him a lesson. I even told him I was going to pack a bag for the night and he asked why and I told him that if I go out...especially on a pub crawl that I don't think that I want to come home to a house full of girls...which I don't... I want to enjoy myself and not have to worry about getting up and having to make breakfast for a bunch of girls. So, I WILL be going out and not coming home and be fine with worries...maybe a little guilt but I'll get over it....

Endora's picture

I would definitely go out-no guilt-you were not included in the sleepover decision, so have a good time and FH will learn to bring you in on the decision making in the future!

Have fun.

Step Parenting – you might need to step back before you step in something!

SerendipitySM's picture

Good for you!! You go to that pub crawl and have a fabulous time!! Let DH deal with his kid and her friends - it'll teach him to never again make a decision without consulting you first.

Inside every cynical person, there is a disappointed idealist. - George Carlin