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Well here I go again.

JaeRandles's picture

I think i really find this theraputic. So I am going to go on again. I think it is mostly for my benefit. Well life is getting to be a little beter at home. My fiance has talked to his wife, and tried to get her off his insurance. WEll neither worked, but at least he tried. NOw it is time to hire an attorney I guess. Seems like such a big move. It just seems as if the wife, or ex-wife per'se will lie to get anything and everything she wants. She has their son in a government preschool, free, as she lied about her income and forgot to state that my BF is paying a large chunk of child support. She is collecting foodstamps, I think she must have forgot to inform them of the 2200 a month of her income that she is reporting to the court, as well as the 700 a month in child support she is collecting from us. She is also getting full medical insurance for both her and her son thru the state, while I am paying out of pocket for my medical care, and my BF has to keep her on his insurance to boot. It just seems as if the system is set up for people who choose to lie, cheat and manipulate the system and people. It is such bunk. I on the other hand, care for and love her child, while she is on trips, and when we have him with us. She doe nothing but bad mouths me and my BF and allows the most aweful things to be said about us, in the name of God. as a metter of fact we were sitting as a family and watching Sabrina the Teenage witch program, and he stands up and says I will not let Satan win. What kind of statement is that for a five year old child to make. He told us he got it from his mother, and that this cute little show is Satan at work with myself and hius father. What kind of mother puts a child in a position like that. Cant there ever just be a time when a kid can be a kid, run and play with normal kids, and have a good time just growing up.


stepmom008's picture

Oh god (no pun intended)... one of those? Why is it that the super extra crazy religious freaks (and I'm not talking about anyone who is truly deeply religious here) are the ones that lie and cheat and steal and manipulate the system? The ones who PROFESS to be the most Christian are in fact, the LEAST Christian. Or as your SS might say, the spawn of the devil himself. I'm sorry, but I have serious problems with people like that.

"There are two things over which you have complete dominion, authority, and control over - your mind and your mouth".

TheWife's picture

I am truly convinced the biggest hypocrites are in the church.

I am religious in the way that I base all of my decisions around the morals instilled in me by my Christian faith. But cmon. Does anyone really think God has a problem with Sabrina or Harry Potter?

~*~When you kiss ass, your breath smells like sh*t~*~

stepmom008's picture

I know. It's the fundamentalists and extremists that are the problem. Obviously you can't group all fundamentalists into the "bad" category but I think it's a pretty fair assessment. My dad has a doctorate in religious studies and is working on a book about this very thing.

"There are two things over which you have complete dominion, authority, and control over - your mind and your mouth".

JaeRandles's picture

The mom is a JW and they are a little on the nuts side. How can anyone not let their kids have a birthday party, or make them sit in the hall at school while the other kids color pics of Santa. Seems all a little nuts to me.

stepmom008's picture

I will say that I fully believe in freedom of religion and have no problem if that's how people want to raise their children. What I have a problem with is those people who constantly try to push their religion onto everyone else and proclaim everyone who does not share their views as evil. To me, religion and spirituality is private and should stay that way.

"There are two things over which you have complete dominion, authority, and control over - your mind and your mouth".

Bradybunchmom's picture

Not to turn this into a religious debate, nor am I offended by anything up there. But have you ever noticed a lot of time the "new age" religioun people will get ticked at christians for not accepting them, and yet never will they allow the christians to state any of their beliefs because then they are "pushing their religion on to them" Can't have it both ways either have to be accepting and be accepted or have neither. For the record I agree people that are over the top religious and then act that way are really painting a bad picture of themselves.

However I agree it is very sad to be pushing that onto a 5 year old. Anyone ever see the movie jesus camp? It made me cry.

stepmom008's picture

You're right. If part of being religious is being tolerant, there are a LOT of people out there that have that lesson to learn.

I have a friend who is VERY religious and she talks about it a lot but I have never once felt like she was pushing her beliefs onto me. I think a lot of it is in the delivery.

"There are two things over which you have complete dominion, authority, and control over - your mind and your mouth".

libby's picture

My biggest issue with Christian extremest is simple (and I have a lot of them in the family) is they forget one little thing

"judge not lest ye be judged"

TheWife's picture

AMEN! (pun intended!)

~*~When you kiss ass, your breath smells like sh*t~*~