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sadstep's picture

I feel like I'm fighting, After reading that post to myself, I feel like I'm fighting all the time, I feel like I'm backed into a corner and I'm being forcefed EVERything. Here you're expected to do this, you're expected to do that.

"What is she doing for us now, no, Let's look at what she's not doing for us." It's all about them, him, their schedule, his schedule. "why is she not happy to be doing all this for us." And when V-day came I got taken out to dinner with everyone else.

Disrespected at every turn by ss11 without backup from BF. Sorry everyone for saying this and don't think bad of me but the kid is a little brat who needs a large foot in his backside. The kid is a little shit I"m so sick of his little crappy looks, his little nice when he wants something attitude, screw that. Make your own dinner and clean up your own crap.


soverysad's picture

You are not a maid! AND you are not his mother! Anything you do for him (cooking, cleaning, etc.) is a GIFT to both him and dh. SMs have no duty or obligation to do whatever it is that dh's think need to be done with respect to their children. If they want to focus on what you're not doing. Let them. Do even less and that will force them to notice everything you USED TO do. Gifts are to be appreciated. If they don't appreciate them, stop giving them. He's 11 years old. He can make up his own damn bed, make himself a sandwich, do his own laundry, etc.

"A pessimist complains about the wind, an optimist counts on the wind changing, a realist adjusts his sails"