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Pride, heartbreak and hope for the Skid.

Rags's picture

Well ..... this afternoon our Son (my SS) made his senior project presentation to the assessment panel at school. I left work early to be there to watch. He was nervous and asked if I would wait in the hall while he gave his presentation. No problem Kid-Doh. So I waited in the hallway.

After his presentation he came out to wait for his scores. In conversation he indicated that he felt pretty good about his product and his project portfolio but was nervous about the presentation.

After about 20 mins he was asked to return to the presentation room for a Q&A with the assessors to try to get some additional presentation point since they felt his presentation was weak. The assessors told him they wanted some Q&A in an effort to add some points to his presentation score.

I was allowed to stay for that part. After about 10mins of Q&A we were asked to step out again. About 10 mins later we were called back in and told "pretty good job but you have a little bit more to do to meet the requirements".

He passed on his product, he passed on his project portfolio but failed the presetation. Combined with his pass for the previous associated research paper he passed 3 of 4 requirements. They gave him guidance on what he needs to do to improve his presentation including additional research, professional interviews and lots of practice on posture, voice projection and confidence in front of the mirror ( to our parrot), at nursing homes ............. anywhere he can find a fresh audience.

The assessors told him that he can not afford to procrastinate and waste Spring break and has to be ready to present again shortly after school starts. Spring break starts Friday.

So no SpermClan Spring Break for the kid.

For the past hour there has been a cycle of anger and tears and he is trying to put no Spring break on his Mom and I. We told him he can go if he chooses but he has to live the consequences of his decision. I think he will choose to stay and work on his presentation but ................. :?

I am proud of his effort though extremely frustrated with his effectiveness. He has a really bad habbit of procrastinating then loosing complete confidence in his work, trashing it, then starting completely over. He will do this several times which is huge waste of time and effort.

Pride, heartbreak and hope. I guess that is what being a parent is about.

Stay tuned for the next installment on Rags' Skid. Will he succeed??????? or will his mother kill him???????

Best regards.


DISbelief's picture

You raised him Rags... I am sure he will do the right things Rags. I just LOVE reading your posts. This site is blessed to have you around!


~You have to BE crazy to UNDERSTAND crazy!~ Wink

unhappy2happy's picture

Me Too, I love reading your posts, you are such a great Dad... I am learning we have to let our kids learn from their mistakes... But our hearts still break for them sometimes.. As DIS, said you have raised him, if he turns out half the man you seem to be you should be very proud..

starfish's picture

i'm cheerleading for you & ss.... of course he will do the right thing ~~ like others said "you raised him".. and from your posts that i have read, i think you are a great man and an inspiration for step parenting......