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Prego 15yr old dumped by babydaddy?

herewegoagain's picture

Saw that DHs daughter put "missing baby, plz come back...crying". Hmmm...great...BM has "sometimes we lose someone we love, but you must go on for those left"

I have a feeling she's been dumped...lovely...seems the nightmare gets
better every there's a 15yr old in 8th grade, who has now failed 8th grade due to attendance and not doing work, who is preggo w/no baby daddy in sight? Oh BM, you did a good one...

I see this and it drives me the same time makes me so sad...I could
see it coming, the warning signs all there...I was attacked for speaking up trying to prevent this...lawyers told us there was no case to get custody or stop this...I feel for a very naive 15yr old whom everyone let down...what kind of life will she have?

It is another statistic...and I honestly feel for this kid that although I hate the choices she has made, never had a chance w/custodial mother teaching her "being sexy & looking good & having boys like her" was more important than school & self-respect...


Bradybunchmom's picture

I don't know what kind of relationship you have with your step daughter, but I was a young mom too. And sometimes the most important thing you could do at this point is to help her celebrate and get ready for the birth of her child. While the situation isn't ideal, she has people telling her that all day long, and what she may need is someone telling her that her baby will be a blessing. It may be the beginning of a relationship between her and you that she would be able to feel she could confide in you, and maybe have someone to look up to as a mentor.

Like I said I know nothing about your particular situation. But being a young mom myself I was constantly told how awful my coices were, and if just one person had stood up and said, "yeah it sucks, but a baby is awesome, lets help you get ready, have you thought about names?" I would have had someone to turn to rather than my abusive ex.

SerendipitySM's picture

BBM, I completely respect your opinion on this issue since you went through this yourself and are speaking from experience. However, a pregnant 15 year old is not even remotely scceptable. There are too many kids being allowed to run wild these days and then when something like this happens, then the parents(in this case bio-parents and SM) are saddled with the responsibility of providing for this child and her baby. It's crazy!! How in the world is this 15 yr old, who I'm sure does nto have a job, going to provide for this kid? She's not, the parents and SM will get stuck with it and since it seems like the BM is a class act - it would most likely fall back on the BF and SM since he must be paying CS for this kid.

I just feel that instead of telling her that this kid is a blessing (which of course all babies are) she needs one huge dose of reality - perhaps sending her to a convent like they used to in the old days would do her some good!!

Inside every cynical person, there is a disappointed idealist. - George Carlin

Colorado Girl's picture

I was a teenaged mom. Sad

You're right, I had no business getting pregnant. There were also lots of reasons to how that came about. A lot of my twisted thinking was part of not understanding the difference between love and sex. Struggling in my self worth and not having the maturity to know that being a mom wasn't going to solve my issues. Nothing to do with the parenting of my mom and dad.

And trust me when I say that she will be shunned more than you can imagine.

I've provided for my child at the level I was capable. Every step of the way... along with the guidance of a mom who loved me very much.

I needed therapy not a dose of reality. That, my friend, came in leaps and bounds when my son was placed in my arms.

"For every ailment under the sun....There is a remedy, or there is none;
If there be one, try to find it; If there be none, never mind it." ~ W.W. Bartley

Bradybunchmom's picture

You are right, a pregnant 15 year old is not acceptable at all. However, the fact remains she already IS a pregnant 15 year old. Rubbing it in never helped anyone. Should she be forced to be responsibile? Sure, of course she should. I am not taking care of any of my daughters babies for them should they get pregnant at 15. But I will still be supportive and not drive them away. I just thought especially as a step mom the OP would have an opportunity to make her feel loved instead of shunned is all.

Anon2009's picture

I don't think SD should be sent to a convent.

I do think, however, that she and her ex-boyfriend should take parenting classes, and they should begin job-hunting.

These two are in for a huge reality check once the baby arrives.

SD might want to check out some of the information on these sites: and . These sites give the names of places and services that teen moms can go to for help.

I hope for the sake of this baby that SD will become a more mature person and work hard to give her baby a better life than the one she has had.

herewegoagain's picture

Well, sadly, there's not a darn thing I can do...they do not even answer DH's calls...they haven't since Christmas when DH confronted his daughter at the school because of the failing grades, missing schoolwork, absences...ever since then, DH has NOT talked to either of them...they just don't answer the phone or continue to change it (mom doesn't answer, SD changes it)...and we live out of the country...

I can't imagine if the guy dumped her how hard that must be at 15 and preggo...but I really can't do anything if they don't answer calls...and DH doesn't have a mailing address for them, as they moved from the last house a few years ago and never gave him a new mailing address...