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Im Confused

Pantera's picture

Last night my SS10 asked me to go to his school next Friday morning for Muffins for Moms. WTF? He asked in front of DH, and Im glad because I was able to pull DH out of the room and let him know this is why I can't deal with SS. One day he's destroying my stuff and being down right mean to me and the next he wants me to go to Muffins for Moms? I said yes, but I am not excited. Im standoffish. With all this kid pulls, Id hate to say, I think he might have asked so he could get a ride to school and not have to walk. I feel bad for feeling that way, but I just feel like this is some kind of manipulation or plot. I will go and I will put my happy face on, but really, what the heck? No wonder I am emotionally drained!!!


Pantera's picture

I went the year before last and last year he asked his BM and she said no. So what, she said no again? UGGGHHH!!!

"If I turn into another, Dig me up from under what is covering the better part of me" -Incubus

MarriedwithChild's picture

Curious. Does SS have a BM? If so, what is the deal with that?

I feel you though...

Pantera's picture

I don't know if you've ever read any of my other stuff, most of it has been deleted, so here's a quick run down.

DH has sole legal and physical custody. I am a full time stepmom. BM started taking him 3 saturday nights a month in October(and she is still doing this). Before that she was never consistent (never called, never showed up for visitation, lied to SS, ect.).

SS10 is a real jerk to me. Its basically ruining my marriage. Last week he spit a lugey in my hairbrush and took a razor to the bathroom tiles in the shower (that I painted). Now he wants me to go to Muffins with Moms? I deal with this crap on a daily basis, and I just don't get it. How can I like someone that constantly does this to me?

Why isn't he asking BM this year when she is actually around more? I know its only 3 nights a month but at least its something!!!


"If I turn into another, Dig me up from under what is covering the better part of me" -Incubus

MarriedwithChild's picture

Do you think anyone 'put' him up to inviting you? That's what hits me instantly.

Pantera's picture

Thats what hit me instantly too but when he invited me, DH looked like he was going to spit food out of his nose, lol. I asked DH and DH said he had no idea that it was even next week. So I don't think thats it. Thats why its so confusing. This child is so up and down.

"If I turn into another, Dig me up from under what is covering the better part of me" -Incubus