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She did it, she changed SS5 School

LMR120's picture

So BF went to drop SS5 off at school after his visit and gets a call from BM as he is halfway there and says he doesnt go to school there anymore he goes to this one. WOW! :jawdrop:


KeepsGettingBetter's picture

I find this so hard to believe that a mother would change a childs school and not tell the father. Seriously, is this legal?? :?

Formally known as Dani - RIP Baby Girl

LMR120's picture

This woman is something else. The reason she changed his school is because he was getting in trouble and she was getting phone calls from the teacher to come pick him up because he was hitting people including her and he even flipped a desk over. So SS5 said something to BF about going back to his old school he called BM of course no answer so he sent her an email about how he thought it was a bad idea concidering he had just started at the school (she moved) and mentioned that the baby sitter would have to go out of her way to get him and so on. She replied back with well what am I suppose to do? leave him in a school where the teacher infuriates him and always wants to send him home. You would think that she would have to talk to BF about this stuff put she is the primary custodian and doesnt have too. Nice huh?

myna's picture

BM nr.3 changed the day care and FH was standing there like an idiot and calling BM where is the kid. She changed ss`s name too... Stupid, frustrated and pathetic women, when they don`t get the man they are trying to make the guys life as miserable they can.

LMR120's picture

She changed his name? Like as in last name or first name? WOW either way ... still pretty crazy. Something is wrong with these women.

myna's picture

She changed his last name from the father`s last name to her own. My FH has apsolutely no rights when it comes to the boy. But he doesn`t want to take BM to the court cos he is afraid she will get worse.

LMR120's picture

Thats so sad. Is he allowed to see him at all? If he signed the Birth Certificate how was she allowed to change his name? I bet she just started using her's I bet its not done legally.

myna's picture

We live in a country where mothers have way too many rights. When she heard we got engaged she did not let us see the kid 5months. She was a one night stand and wanted to get FH with getting pregnant, so she wrote him a mail after 3months that she is pregnant. I guess it tells a lot how sick actually she is... Now ss is coming eow, but BM is still trying to create drama...

LMR120's picture

Its sick isnt it? It takes two people to make a baby ... the courts make fathers responsible finacially for the child but all the decision making is with the mother in most cases. Its gross and makes me sick to my stomche with all the stories on here about things that BMs do and for what? Im mean really for what?

oceangirl3's picture

I know in my situation with BF this is not legal. It states in the divorce decree that any change of address, school, etc. must be told to the father. However, it does not say the mother can not change schools unexplained. Just that she must share the information. Who is the Custodial parent in your situation? I fit is the BM then yes she can, but she needs to give that information to the father.

LMR120's picture

Yes she is the custodial parent. The funny thing about it is with her its all semantics (sp) She would be like I did tell you that he changed school .... while you were on the way there. I guess I just think about how I wouldnt handle it. I would never change my daughters school without talking to my EX

Rags's picture

These decisions are entirely at the discretion of the CP.

However, the NCP has to be notified in a timely matter.

We have moved several times during our 16yr marriage. We don't inform BioDad until we are moved and functioning in our new community. We send him a change of address card from the PO. That is it. Our cell phone #'s don't change so the SpermClan can always get hold of us regardless of where we choose to pursue family opportunities.

If BioDad or SpermGrandMa call to find out where SS is going to school, we tell them. If they don't make the effort to show they give a shit, they stay in the dark.

It is all on them. At least in our blended family situation.

Best regards,

LMR120's picture

If I remember corectly you SS biodad is a douche bag (sorry) and isnt really involved so I can see that. Im my case there are two times during the week and BF has to take the kids to school and she didnt say a thing about it until he was taking him there. Nothing the night before thats what gets me.

Rags's picture

It sounds like you are in a joint legal custody situation with BM having primary physical custody. In that or a situation where the BM and BD live close enough for some form of weekly visitation then IMHO both parents should be involved in the decision to move schools prior to the move.

BM was being a controlling idiot when she changed the kids schools without telling their dad in your situation.

Again .... IMHO.

Best regards

Best regards,

LMR120's picture

Yes Rags she lives like 10 min from us and doesnt ever ever tell us anything. Its crazy. Why would you make all these decisions on your own?

Rags's picture

Unfortunately she does it because she can. The only way to stop her is to get all up her ass about this kind of thing which can open a whole bunch of other issues.

This is a touch situation that I wish I could provide more useful advice on.

My wife has always had full custody of our son (my SS) and BioDad has had visitation. We met and married in college and have never lived closer than ~1500 miles to where the SpermClan lives so visitation is 5wks Summer, ~1Wk+/- Winter and 1wk Spring. BioDad also has 10 days of visitation in the Fall that has to be taken in the community where SS lives but none of the SpermClan have ever bothered.

IMHO structured long distance visitation is much easier on the kid and both bioparents than an EOW/EOWE situation. Mom's time is Mom's time, Dad's time is Dad's time.

Though not without blended family drama, regular though infrequent extended visitation situations seem to have far less detrimental impact on the NCP the CP and kid. There is just less opportunity for PAS to set in because for the most part each half of the extended blended family gets to develop their own routines.\

That said, if I was an NCP I don't think I could bear being separated from my kid(s) for several months at a time. Intelectually I understand it might be better for everyone involved but emotionally I don't think I would tollerate it very well.

IMHO of course.

Best regards,

LMR120's picture

You are completely right. My first instinct was to yell at her but my BF is right it would do no good. You are both right when you say she does it because she can. It just makes me sad. He has problems in school he's overweight because he over eats. OHHH here is another thing i fogot to mention. She is taking him to a therapist and didnt tell BF that she was doing that. I hate that she wants money from him because he needs to support "HIS" kids but as soon as he wants to know anything besides where to send the check they are her kids.