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Coping with Jealousy

Gabby77's picture

My 7yo SD is one of the most Jealous children I have ever seen. She is extremely jealous of her 3 year old sister ( they have the same mom and dad) and now that I am pregnant she is gearing up to be worse with the baby. Everyday she regresses more and more. The other day she was looking at my cellphone where I have a picture of the ultrasound as my backround and she asked me , "why do you have a picture of THAT?" I'm not going to lie this hurt me. I explained to her that THAT was the new baby. ( Oh and she already knew what the ultrasound was) How do I deal with this? She goes out of her way to hurt her little sister and DH rarely sees it. I try to stop it but can't as she is not held responsible for her actions. DH has even had fights with BM because she accused SD of hitting other SD. DH said she has never done that. And she does it right under his nose!! I don't really want her near my baby. Especially when I'm not there. What do I do?


frustratedinMA's picture

I have some of the same concerns.. I was pregnant and miscarried, and am trying again.

I have 2 skids, twins.. and they have a 1/2 sister from the BM and her new hubby.. I have personally witnessed them push the 1/2s to the ground, taken toys out of her hands and thrown them on the ground then step on them.. etc. That was a couple of years ago.. and has sat in the back of my mind since.

My sister had her first baby in June. My whole family, skids, dh and inlaws went on a vaca together.. I would often see the dirty looks.. YES dirty looks the skids gave when any of us gave attention to the infant.. or had to stop to do something for the infant. The sd even said to my MIL, if Dh and sm have a baby.. will you love me more??? WTF???? I have no idea what MIL answered.. she is who told me the comment (all of course on vaca.. as the MIL gave slight attention to my nephew)

I have no intention of EVER leaving any future children alone w/either skid. I just wont. My eyes will be glued to my future children.. My advice.. if she is abusing her own sister.. dont DONT leave her alone w/an infant. DH will just have to get used to that idea.. and if he cant.. just take the baby w/you when you go out.

I do feel for you!!

Most Evil's picture
