Today the kids left with BM for the summer.
I am really trying to just enjoy DH but I am scared.
And what the heck is this pain in my chest? Those little snots have touched me so deeply that I can't seem to bear being without them.
- TheOtherMom's blog
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I know the feeling. I get
I know the feeling. I get the stomach knot every time we put SS-17 on a plane for SpermClan visitation. This has been going on since he was 1yo.
We are excited when he gets home up until post SpermClan visitation detox starts. Then we have ~3wks of hell while he readjusts to the real world with rules, expecations and accountability for performance.
Good luck.
Best regards.
Just when I think I am the
Just when I think I am the only one ... thanks Rags.
wow! i would love for skids
wow! i would love for skids to go away for any extended amount of time and would be super happy!! you guys are super steppers!!
Starfish, We also enjoy our
We also enjoy our kid free time during SpermClan visitation. However, that does not make it any easier to send him to the genetic and socio economic cesspool known as SpermLand.
We have always had a 3x per year long distance visitation schedule (5wks Summer, ~1wk Winter, ~1wk Spring). From what I have seen on S-Talk this is a much easier schedule to deal with than the EOW/EOWE type schedules. Our home is his primary home with a stable marriage, stable rules and accountability for performance and tolerable behavior.
We still have to deal with the poluted end of his gene pool periodically but for the most part out situation seems easier to deal with than most. His SpermClan genes seem to kick in hard a few weeks before visitation and we have about three weeks of post visitation detox to deal with.
The rest of the time for the most part he is a commendable young man.
Not to say that his mom and I don't want to strangle him periodically.
Best regards.
Rags ~~ my comment was more
Rags ~~ my comment was more of an admiration to how steppers like yourself are so much better at step parenting than myself. I don't hate my skids, but at the same time i HATE when they are here... maybe one day it will all click for me...
Starfish. Often I feel that I
Often I feel that I suck at step parenting.
I am just fortunate to have entered the Sparent world when SS-17 was 1yo. I am the only full time dad he has ever had and the only father figure in his life that is not a total waste of skin. The SpermIdiot is a worthless POS. Our son (my SS) has a relationship with the SpermClan but has so far expressed no desire to live in SpermLand. He is fine just visiting.
Those who entered the Sparent role when the Skids were older and have to deal with an EOW/EOWE type visitation schedule have it much harder than I have as a Sparent.
That said ...... I frequently stuggle with the same issues you mention. There are times when I am very ready for him to visit the SpermClan.
Hang in there and good luck.
Best regards.
Starfish, It took a couple
If you let it, love will happen.
It took a couple years and that's why I am surprised. Normally I look forward to the summer of wedded bliss. Not this year though.
good for you tom.... i'm
good for you tom.... i'm happy for your "happy" sadness, sorry you miss them but alone time --- wish i were in the same place..... enjoy the shit out of your free wedded bliss time....i do know if dh & i had some extended "free" time i would rock his world so hard.... too bad for dh we're stuck with ass gnats ~~ what seems to be all the fucking time.....
Geez I AM the . I also
Geez I AM the }:). I also would LOVE for skid to go away for an extended amount of time. NOT forever because DH would be devastated and I do love him. Oh but peace and quiet again in my life.....sigh.