Be careful what you wish for.. you might just get it!
So, after all my being upset on Saturday morning about not getting a break and needing my dh to come home and help.. well.. I got my wish..
So, he got home in the late afternoon on Saturday, tells me great news.. I have tomorrow off! I was estatic. Finally, I can have some help, I can probably even sleep late!!
So, Sunday morning, DH gets up, gets the 14mth old, and proceeds to come in to our room w/him, puts him on the bed, then starts putting clothes away. After about 40 mins of him picking up around our room and talking to me while the baby is jumping all over me, he says.. come on 14mth old.. lets let mommy get some sleep! (WTF? seriously??? who can fall back asleep after that?? he is so freakin passive aggressive) so I get up and go into the living room.. the day progresses.. the 14mth old gets whiny (nothing new or out of the ordinary) and dh starts getting all bitchy.. saying things like I cant get 10 mins to myself, on and on.. I then mention that this is my day every day for roughly 13 hrs EACH DAY.. and that I am normally doing it all by myself.. (ya know. it was two on one this day)
So, about 11am he is complaining the baby wont sleep.. I forget what he said to tick me off this time, but I said, I will run to the store and take him w/me so that you can get a break.. So, my 6mth pregnant @ss grabs the 14mth old loads him into the car and heads to the grocery store.. I have a crying jag in the car.. and have to wait in the pkg lot, as he has fallen asleep on the way there.. so, after 30 mins of napping, like a well tuned clock, my little prince awakes ready for more of the day, we get groceries and I head back to the house.
Now, I am sitting at the computer getting the recipie for dinner off the internet, when about 2pm (again, baby is getting whiny) He says to me.. IN MY NEXT LIFE, I AM NOT HAVING KIDS OR GETTING MARRIED! ok.. that is just f*cking Fantastic.. you just told your 6mth pregnant wife, that has sold her home, quit her job and moved 1700 miles away from family and friends that can ACTUALLY help her that you regret this relationship.. PERFECT.. mind you, he has NEVER said this about the skids.. just the exwife. So, now I am in tears, so I tell him.. ya know what.. since we are being honest w/each other.. IN MY NEXT LIFE I AM NOT MARRYING A MAN WITH KIDS OR A PYSCHO EX WIFE OR BOTH!!! That I should have been the one to run away, and that his timing SUCKS. Then I take the baby to go drive him around for a nap, as I cant get him to sleep and oh yeah.. dh is complaining that HE is tired.. So, I go for the ride, but not before telling him that he might want to google how to be a good father and husband.
When I got back, he tried to pretend that nothing happened.. true to his form.. and never really apologized for his next life plans.. Later that night.. when he went to yell at the baby.. he stubbed his toe on the ottoman.. HA.. he has more than likely broken several of his toes, because he was fit to be tied when he did it. I just simply said, I think god is punishing you for being a dick. I then took the baby and put him to bed.
Guess when I was thinking on Saturday that my life couldnt suck anymore than it already did.. I was wrong. Sunday would have been a much better day if he wasnt here at all. Hopefully the oil spill will have his boat called back out today! I now need a break from my dh.
- frustratedinMA's blog
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I am so sorry! My DH has told
I am so sorry! My DH has told me he'll never marry again, but I don't really give a hoot!
Hope he does get called and you have some peace! Get some baby einsteind cd's to play in your house, it relaxed even my adhd munckin and me too!
I did put one of the new ones
I did put one of the new ones we got in the other day, and I was amazed that he actually sat down to watch it.. that was on Saturday. I was desperate to find something! lol
Yes, lets hope I get peace and quiet from dh. It just pisses me off.. Who says that to their 6 mth pregnant wife??? Our child isnt that bad.. but my god.. I was going on 4 days w/o a break when I wrote about it.. he was here only several hours and was making THOSE statements. I never once wished our child away or our relationship.
He just pisses me off.. Turns out he is a selfish, immature prick. That is what I have come to realize.
I'm so sorry sweetie! HUGS
I'm so sorry sweetie! HUGS and love!
Have you tried to find a mothers day out program? I was sort of in the same boat once upon a time. I found a fabulous one and it turned out to be the best thing I ever did for ME and baby!
Oh.. if I lived in a place
Oh.. if I lived in a place that was populated, for sure I would be hunting down a group and doing it. Where they military moved us to, is umm.. remote. Its been on the news a lot w/the spill... and I have researched mommy groups up and down to no avail. There is literally NOTHING here.
We have a mobile bus for a library ( I mean.. how many books can you fit into one of those?? its like a partridge family type bus painted w/garfield) there is a "grocery store" that is more like a high priced convienence store w/souvies being sold on several of the aisles, and 3 restaurants, 1 of which decided to close to serve only BP workers. That is IT! I am not even kidding or exaggerating.
What I need is a support group for people w/crappy husbands!
What about a play group you
What about a play group you could join. I know that when BS almost 3 goes several days w/o playing with his friends at daycare or his brothers he gets antsy. I think they need peer companionship just as much as we do. Sorry DH was such an ass, we go through that here too.
Do you guys have the sprout chanel, there are some really great shows on there that can give you 10-15 minuets of quiet. Calliou is great & teaches good values, sesame street & fireman Sam & the berienstein bears are all on there & BS loves them.
I will look at our tv and
I will look at our tv and see. We have direct Tv, so not always sure what we get.. I know there is Nick, because I usually will put on Dora the Explorer when she comes on.
Too bad we do not live in a real city.. This place is literally like the ends of the world!
Thats awful! Are you on base?
Thats awful! Are you on base?
Yes, but its not like a real
Yes, but its not like a real base.. its just houses and an office bldg for the station and the boat he is attached to.
(No subject)
You can get sprout on the
You can get sprout on the internet, they also have coloring pages you can print off too.
cool, I will have to look it
cool, I will have to look it up. Ummm.. I think my dh is becoming more like yours everyday.. he didnt bother taking out the trash this am.. so I had to carry Matthew and the trash downstairs, then get the trash under the storage and put that out as well. So, apparently anything that does not include him sitting around on his fat lazy @ss is out of the question. He just wants to sit around and do freakin squat. NICE.. wish I had that freakin life.
If lazy were an olympic sport
If lazy were an olympic sport DH would have gold medaled many times.
LMAO that's hysterical!!!
LMAO that's hysterical!!!
Sia, If I can't have my own
Sia, If I can't have my own private humor I would loose my friggin mind.
i hear ya!!!!...BTW is he
i hear ya!!!!...BTW is he still there? I mean with the threat of divorce and all.....
I know that it was upsetting
I know that it was upsetting and I should not say this ..... but .......!
Your post cracked me up.
I have had my own days like the one your husband had with similar results.
When my wife says "GO TO WORK!" I know that she has had all of my "help" that she can handle.
Best regards.
Rags, thank you!! lol.. I
Rags, thank you!! lol.. I always love a guys' point of view!!
Yes, Go to work is a big signal that you are bouncing on that last nerve that she has hanging on by a thread!
No worries.. yesterday was much much better. He didnt get called out, and when he came home from work he was able to interact w/the two of us in a manner that is more appropriate for a father and husband!