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Vacation.... the aftermath

Freedom2005's picture

Vacation went well I thought, until I got home and started to think about it. While on vacation, SS13 had some issues and he talked to his Aunt Perfect (not her real name of course) about it. This is BF's sister. She is the ultimate mother and housekeeper. She walks into my house and starts cleaning and asking her nephew and niece to help her. Does not matter that I am sitting right there. Anyway, SS13 and Aunt Perfect had this talk and ever since, he has wanted to live with her, he even asked his dad about it. He wants to live with his aunt because "it would be less stress" for him. When a kid that spends his whole day on the XBox says "there are fewer electronic devices in her house, a more family friendly atmosphere" I have to wonder about where he heard that phrase.

Well, now it seems there is another "prince" in the house. I have not had any issues with my SS13 until recently. He scared us to death when he tried to commit suicide. He needed help, I understand it. However, since he got back, it seems like he has decided that we should bow down to him and let him do what he wants. It has gotten worse since we got back from vacation. I do not want to think this of this kid, he has been great for years!

I understand his issues to a point. He does not get as much attention from his dad as his sister does, I have discussed this with BF many times over the years. Our counselor has told him this over the last year as well. Very little has changed in this area. I can understand WHY he does not want to live here. The reasons he told me upset me though. What kid says, "she makes healthier meals" when I have a whole shelf of fruit, cut veggies and salad stuff in the fridge that he ignores and goes for the hot dogs. I know, he is a teenager, probably normal, but what I am pissed off about is that his aunt put this crap in his head. She said, "come live with Aunt Perfect, I can help you." This is the woman who also has her mother (who just left her husband) and her freeloader brother living with her. She can fix anything! She is the perfect mother and housekeeper (she is divorced).

SS13 wants more attention, it is that simple, at least to me. I also think that these kids have too much control over this house. That or they are USE to having control and now that I am here, realize that they are losing that control. This is my house too, I am the adult and BF and I make the rules. We do do it together. He does back me up most of the time. We actually don't have to discipline most of the time, the kids are good. SS13 has an issue with lying, but I believe it is because of his fear of getting into trouble.

My SS13 and SS11 have been use to just getting their way for years. The whole family feels sorry for them because of the divorce and that they have a druggie mom. I do too, however I still treat them like children. Comfort them, but they still need guidance, not just a buddy.

Well, I also confronted BF about this last night. He has not talked to me since. I just started a new job that starts the same time as his, EARLY! LOL I told BF about not doing anything for these 3 (yes him included) members of Royalty. I called him a prince with his prince and princess son and daughter. I was a bit harsh. I asked him if he planned on being a parent any time this century.

I am tired, so tired. I can't keep up with these demands. When I was a single mother, I had to do it all. When you have a partner, does that not mean that you do not have to do it all? He talks about being a single parent. Maybe I should leave for a week or two to have him see what it is REALLY like when there is no one to drive your kids somewhere, make them meals, do the laundry, make them do chores, while he is at work. Good luck!

Now to just find somewhere to hide for a few weeks! LOL



Hmmm's picture

From personal experience, sometimes moving in with an aunt is a good idea. It is a little bit of distance, and if the aunt is a sister of the BM or BD, an aunt can say things to them as a sister that might be easier to hear than from a step-parent. This doesn't mean I think it's necessarily a good idea in your case, esp with an "Aunt Perfect" who appears to be actively recruiting rather than simply available if needed. But still, it can give everybody a breather.

Freedom2005's picture

I see the wisdom in your words. I can agree, it might be a good thing. My first gut reaction was "sure, let him go, he will find out that he still has to be accountable for his actions with her."

I guess a part of me did not want to admit defeat. I have learned though, this is no longer my problem. It probably never was.

I thank you ladies for your candid opinions. After writing this, BF decided to talk. He broke up with me so I guess it is a moot point now.

Not my problem any more.
