need advice!! situation stressing out dd3 or normal behaviour?
ss9 and ss6 have recently been placed with dh and i since being removed from bm's care. together dh and i have dd3 and ds5 months. ss6 has add/adhd and is a handfull to say the least. he started daycare and school this past monday, since then dh has received 3 calls from daycare and school stating that ss6 has slapped a little girl, beat up a little boy, and at school was beating up a few kids and calling them names and cussing them out. i know that his disorder and his whole world being turned upside down...again (this isnt the 1st time they have been removed) is the reason he is acting out. at our house he is not violent with my children but he does fight constantly with ss9.
since they have come to our home, dd3 has started to act out at daycare, screaming at people, just all around irritated. she has even started being mean to her baby brother and hit him a couple of times. she has also been telling me about her dreams in the morning when she wakes up and they sound pretty scary...also, she has had 2 accidents this week and wet her bed last night. she has been potty trained for about 6 months now and RARELY has an accident so two in a week seems to stand out and she has never wet the bed.
i'm wondering if the chaos in the house is causing her to be stressed out or are these just coincidences? i'm worried because ds is only 5 months, until then she was the only child in the house for the most part (we got skids eowknd) and she was just starting to get used to having another baby around and now she has two more kids in the house.
- txcajunmom's blog
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I think all of the recent
I think all of the recent changes (new baby AND stepkids coming to live with you) are throwing off DD's routine. I doubt she's acting out specifically because of SS6's behavior. More than likely she's trying to find a way to cope with the major changes. My oldestBD went through a stage like this when the younger BD was born (they are three years apart). With time and reassurance, she got over it. Maybe some special one-on-one time with mommy away from both the baby and the older kids would help?
thanks, that's what i'm
thanks, that's what i'm planning on. i'm going to take her for her first pedicure this weekend
there's a place that has a special little pink chair and they paint their toes
i'm also going to take her to go play at micky d's (she loves to go play there) hopefully that will help. i really hope my baby doesnt feel pushed to the makes me so sad.
It could be the recent
It could be the recent changes have affected her to start acting out-or she senses the tension of the parents taking on the unexpected load as well-so it makes sense she's acting out.
THAT said-3 yr olds -yikes-I mean my two's were never bad-the 3's? Some days I could have sworn my angel child was possessed by an evil force that took over their lives..AND it lasted about a year lol. Like a darn switch-horrible!