CONFRONTING the big, bad BM - have you ever done it and what was the outcome?? (Poll)
Just wondering if anyone out there has actually ever CONFRONTED a BM about anything the BM has done that is just plain WRONG and what the outcome was? Did things get any better? Much worse? I'm talking about not only the usual "annoyances", but also about major subjects, such as long-term alienation of the kids against their father, etc... Topics include:
1. BM talking negatively to skids about you or your DH/BF/SO
2. BM negatively influencing skids against you or your DH/BF
3. BM choosing to live off the CS she receives as her only source of income/not working full-time
4. BM calling/texting/emailing your DH/BF incessantly - for non-emergency purposes (or not about skids at all)
5. BM still trying to keep in touch with your DH's/BF's family, even YEARS after their divorce, via. facebook, etc....
It's funny, because before I was ever involved with my BF, I was always the type of person to confront a "bully", whether on my own behalf or on behalf of someone else. I was always the type of person to TAKE ACTION to make things right, to challenge someone that was clearly & openly hurting others, selfish, etc...and to "stand up" for what I believed what right.
However, since I've been with my BF over the past 6.5 years, I seem to have mastered the fine art of "tongue-biting" and have taken "the high road" when it comes to all the BM drama more times than I ever imagined I was able to. I have always let BF handle BM - after all, HE married her, HE had 2 kids with her, HE had to deal with her cheating, her selfishness, her laziness, her narcissistic ways and eventually go through a divorce from her (which she was the one that wanted it). I have never had the "pleasure" of engaging with BM know, HEAD ON!! Sometimes I daydream about just CONFRONTING her, putting her in her place, ONCE AND FOR ALL and letting her know what BF & I really think of her. But we don't, because we don't want to give her any attention or any satisfaction that we spend one second or one moment of our lives wasting our time with all that is BM.
So, I'm curious...has anyone out there actually had the pleasure to just LET LOOSE on BM - and how did it go? Did it help?
Who knows, maybe I just need to live vicariously through some of you in order to "let off some steam"!!! lol
C'mon steppers - give me some of your best BM confrontation moments, even the ones you're not proud of, but you don't regret, either!
P.S. I welcome any comments from our BM's on the site as well. Be honest, do you do anything to PURPOSELY annoy your ex & his new gf/wife? If so, WHY?????
- Milomom's blog
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I think all of the issues you
I think all of the issues you are talking about Milomom are parenting issues. I think they really should fall on your DH to handle. I know as a BM I would not be open to my children's stepmom telling me how she peceives my life or the path I have chosen to raise my children. In that department, unless it is regarding whatever is going on in THEIR house or with THEIR house rules,she would be a non-entity. I would not interfere in their ideas or rules in THEIR home.
Now Skidsmimi has different issues. Her crazy BM has done things that involved her directly or physically battered her. In this case, you better believe I would confront her. I would have punched her in the fact too }:)
I'd have to ask her ON
I'd have to ask her ON FACEBOOk, in front of all of her friends, why the kid lives with me if she was such a great parent.
Ooohh, that would be fun! BM
Ooohh, that would be fun! BM in my sitch is engaged to her internet BF who happens to be a REAL deadbeat dad and is a convicted sex offender. Just like the convicted sex offenders she allowed around my SDs. These perpetrators molested them too
So when Gov. Schwarzenegger signed Chelsea's Law, we threw a party. Sorry for getting a little OT there, but that is one of many reasons why they don't live with BM anymore.
Yet, BM also posts on myspace about what a great parent she is, and how much she loves her kids. I'm not friends with her on any site but I'm friends with my SDs on myspace to protect them and I occasionally wander over to her page to see what she says. I had a huge grin on my face when one of her myspace friends asked her why her kids don't live with her if she is such a great parent. I don't know the person who asked this in any way, shape or form, but even this person knew enough to know that she is a lousy mother.
My SD's BM is from hell. She
My SD's BM is from hell. She literally stalks us, like calls DH for absolutely no reason then when he hangs up/doesn't answer, she will start calling both of us from a blocked #. I had to get my phone # changed. She requested me on facebook repeatedly after I denied her request, then goes & writes things about me all over her page. So I sent her a message & asked if I'm such a b**** why do you keep friend requesting me? The convo went on, but basically she threatened to beat me so bad my DH wouldn't recognize me (she regularly makes threats and does nothing so DH won't take her seriously.) This girl is psycho. She is on video surveillance robbing jewelry stores with her new crackhead boyfriend all summer & the only reason she wasn't arrested/the only reason she has any custody at all of SD now, is because she ratted the boyfriend out. She constantly threatens to take DH to court for custody & physically threatens me (but like I said, she has yet to actually do anything.) The girl puts her jealousy of me over the care of her child. No matter what DH suggests to her, she won't do anything to "help our relationship", as she says, even though it has nothing to do with our relationship! She even said to me that DH won't stay with anyone who can't get along with her! When DH says she is pathetic and doesn't care if I get along with her or not, he wishes he had never met her! UGHHH!
So glad to know your SD
So glad to know your SD doesn't live with her anymore! BM sounds like a real prize
I hope your SD is doing well.
Snarky, that's AWESOME (I
Snarky, that's AWESOME (I mean the part about what your SS11 told BM)!!!
Take THAT, evil bitch BM's of the world!!!!
That would NEVER happen to me - for you see, skids are totally brainwashed by BM that she is "mother of the year" and SSstb13 is the BIGGEST Momma's boy that ever lived.
I keep hoping that SOMEDAY, they'll figure it all out and ask Mommy where she gets her money from if she doesn't have to go to work full-time like their Dad & everyone else's parents have to do....a girl can dream, can't she?
I've known bm about 10
I've known bm about 10 years-in the beginning I wanted to confront her all the time, but I didnt. Until one day while we were at teh courthouse waiting for a hearing about her paying cs and visitation issues-she attempted to confront me. Tried to quote our state guidelines and said that it said that i must answer all her phones calls anytime she called. (I had gotten to the point that I would ignore her calls as she was supposed to go thru dh). I told her very maturely I might add that I did not need to EVER answer MY phone to her. That i had NOTHING to say to her and there was NO reason for us to ever speak to one another. Unfortunately dh stole my thunder and drug me away. Dammit! I was just getting started. That being said i no longer have any interest in confronting or communicating with her in any manner. About a year ago she did have an epiphany and realized that i hadnt emotionally and mentally abused her darling son, but rather that her son was a big liar and a PITA. She asked dh to speak to me and apologize and I said no I wasnt interested. to me there is no point in confronting her-she is who she is-i think she is a pretty crappy mother, but hey, it's her kid if she wants to screw him up I guess that's her perogative.
hismine, I agree with you - I
hismine, I agree with you - I know there is no point in dealing with stupid, ignorant, narcissistic, attention-starved BM's. It would only give our BM exactly what she wants - more attention and the "spotlight". In 6.5 years, I have only directly confronted BM ONCE because she emailed my BF and accused me of something totally untrue with SD16 (then about 13).
I called her directly and I BLASTED her. She's a typical non-confrontational, passive-aggressive, manipulative woman. She tried to deny that what she accused me of was "meant" the way it came across in the email - I called BULLSHYTE as soon as I saw it - and for BF to agree with me and "allow" me to confront her on it, I KNEW that what I was doing was right. Defending myself against false accusations - point blank.
So I suppose I'm just overdue for another confrontation - lol. Only 1 confrontation in 6.5 years isn't such a bad track record - especially with the BM we are dealing with.
I've never lost it on BM, and
I've never lost it on BM, and I've always wondered what it would be like to do so.
However, I had some friends who were stepkids growing up (and they are still my friends to this day). My best friend's BM and SM had an altercation when we were 11 years old. Unfortunately, it happened in front of my BFF. Her BM had been withholding visitation from her Dad and telling her things like "Daddy doesn't want to see you anymore," "Daddy has a new family now with SM," etc. She also said a lot of unsavory things about the SM: "SM is the reason your dad doesn't give me money" (when in fact he ALWAYS paid her $500 in CS monthly) "SM stole Daddy from us" (when in fact Dad met SM two years after the divorce), etc. One time, during a visitation exchange, when my BFF's BM was being "generous" and allowing her DD to see her Dad, SM got out of the car and lost it on the BM. She didn't use any cuss words, but she let her have it good. My friend told me about it in tears one day when she was at my place. I comforted her as best as I could. But one day, years later she was talking with her Dad and SM about the past and asked him why he didn't see her that often. She was 15 at this point. Dad and SM gave her all the records, court documents, and recorded phone calls that he placed to her that ultimately were never answered. They kept rigorous records. My friend has been in therapy for many years, and she has limited her contact with her BM. Her SM was a really nice woman, and my friend was always civil to her (because her dad didn't allow her to behave disrespectfully towards her). But once she was free of living with BM, they became really close. SM told my BFF that the moment she lost it in front of her wasn't one she was proud of, and also told my friend that she was sorry she lost it in front of her. My friend knows her SM made a mistake that day in losing it in front of her, but ultimately, the BM deserved every word of it. The SM was more of a mom/grandma to my friend and her kids. Unfortunately, she passed away of breast cancer earlier this year
My friend thanks God every day for getting the chance to get to know and love her SM. She has a great relationship with her Dad too 
Anon, what a great story
Anon, what a great story about your best friend & her SM. So sad that her SM passed away of breast cancer - grrr that really makes me frustrated/sad. I'm glad she has a great relationship with her Dad, I just get pissed for her, though, that her BM basically controlled many years of her life & destroyed the great relationship her & her Dad COULD'VE had all those years when she was younger. Totally unfair to her Dad!!! I strongly feel that Parental Alienation should be punishable as a CRIME - maybe these BM's would wake up and think twice about alienating the other parent when threatened with some hard time in PRISON!!
It's stories like these that really get me fired up and want me to CONFRONT these disgusting "excuses" for mothers/BM.
I feel the exact same way.
I feel the exact same way. PAS is child abuse, pure and simple. The system needs to stop slapping these PASinator BMs on the wrist and start sending them off to prison and giving custody to the dads.
No i am like you, the only
No i am like you, the only contact i have had with BM is when she called the house and yelled down the phone "stupid fucking slut" and i cracked up laughing.. she of course hung up after that. I think its hilarious.
She abuses me via her kids. I have always taken the high road and said to the kids "thats a shame because your mum doesnt even know me"
DH was the idiot that bred with her not me. I have no interest in speaking with her because honestly it would be a very ridiculous conversation, i would try to talk and she would just say "slut bitch mole" you know those kind of women????? pointless but funny
I know exaaaaaaactly what you
I know exaaaaaaactly what you mean bc my SD's BM is the exact same way. She just calls me names then tells me to grow up lol its amusing but at the same time, I can't believe DH bred with such a creature. I said to him, what did you expect when you had a kid with a psychopath!?
Too funny...useless men
Too funny...useless men
Good call, that is another
Good call, that is another reason why i dont bother with BM as well, she has baited and baited me for years and never gotten a response other than a laugh, which i think has always pissed her off even more.
I also have great satisfaction in knowing she as jealous and miserable as hell. Thats enough for me. When she first saw me she rang DH instantly and yelled at him for seeing someone so young!!! hilarious considering i am the same age as her! She has always called him and told him that she has heard that i am a stripper and hooker, she says that stuff because she knows i was a bikini/lingerie model. AAAAAHHHH she is (now) fat and from a fat family so that is all the revenge i need.
fabumom, somehow your DH & my
fabumom, somehow your DH & my BF MUST have the same exW/BM!! I know, I know, I know...ignore her, ignore her (hence why I have the purple tongue from biting it for 6.5 years!!! lol). You are my voice of reason.
Wow, you & I do the EXACT same thing when dealing with BM, too! I ALWAYS smile, am polite and I ALWAYS, ALWAYS speak professionally to her. I'm sure it drives her absolutely INSANE!! I vaguely remember years ago, I heard from one of skids that BM thinks I'm always "cold" and "speak like a lawyer", meaning that I'm not emotional/overdramatic/never lose my cool (I'm sure she hates that I really am a lawyer and have my own law practice). It really is the best revenge to just stay cool, calm and collected (even when you REALLY want to STRANGLE them) and eventually these trolls just go crawling back into their holes/dungeons. My favorite expression in dealing with our BM is "NEVER, EVER LET HER SEE YOU SWEAT".
If I ever confronted our BM, she would immediately tell skids (and lie about it making ME the bad guy, of course) and skids would FOREVER hate me that I spoke any ill of their "mother of the year". :sick: :sick: :sick:
Milo and Fabu, The SM legal
Milo and Fabu,
The SM legal posse. Your Skid's BMs must be simpering neurotic wrecks having to deal with lawyers every time they get stupid with your DHs.
If I were an attorney I would have way too much fun tormenting the SpermClan. I would take great joy in filing all kids of interesting motions when they get stupid.
Hell, I have great fun having our attorney do it now and I am not a JD. 16yrs in to our blended family adventure all it takes is for our attorney to write a letter to the SpermIdiot outlining what the SpermIdiot will do and what will be presented to the judge if he does not do what we want and the entire SpermClan gets in line.
Tell more stories. I bet they are hugely entertaining.
Best regards,
Whewwww! I have been pretty
Whewwww! I have been pretty rough on the practitioners of family law in my posting on STalk and am relieved that a law professional has a similar opinion to the one I have developed during our 16yrs in dealing with our own family law experiences.
I can't see how the current system is allowed to continue. I think it is to provide employment for the otherwise unemployable including the judges, attorneys and associated support personnel who keep family law populated with bottom feeders.
Our own attorney does family law but not as his primary practice. We went through several before we found him.
Best regards,
Rags, I agree with fabumom.
Rags, I agree with fabumom. The family law system is so ridiculously archaic in this country - especially the child support laws that are solely driven by greed with the federal govt encouraging states to collect as much CS$$ as possible and dangling matching funds in front of them. I digress.
I also practice in another area. My first experience with matrimonial/family law was when I read my BF's divorce papers (this was 6 years ago) and I could not find one iota of legal arguments or case law to back up any arguments that were being made, or any resemblance of the legal methods I was taught in law school or thereafter in practice. It was unbelievable how every page was nothing but "he said, she said" - filled with accusations, lies, drama, etc.... BM's lawyer was a former construction worker who decided to "take a swing" at law school in his late 40's (no pun intended) and do nothing but "stir the pot" with BM's/women that loved to play the victim (I could never prove it, but I swear the little twirp had something inappropriate going on with the exW/BM and had a major Napoleon complex/chip on his shoulder for no reason against my BF).
I, too, had to make the decision to stay far away from my BF's dealings with BM in order to preserve our relationship (and my sanity) - and fabumom hit the nail on the head as well about my concern (back then) about not appearing to abuse my position as a "know it all/powerful/big bad attorney" thereby allowing BM to garner sympathy from everyone around her (not to mention the judge) as being the "poor victim single mom" being at such a clear disadvantage against us (i.e. David v. Goliath).
Oh, I love it!! I'm so using
Oh, I love it!! I'm so using that reply if ever yet! }:)
Yes, I confronted the
Yes, I confronted the SpermIdiot and SpermGrandMa frequently. Both by directly calling them on their toothless moron bullshit and in court. By calling I don't mean that I actually call them. When they call my wife or kid (my SS) and get stupid I let them know that they either stop immediately or that I will bankrupt them by keeping them in court until they are living in a box under an overpass. I do not abide their shit at all and they know it.
They have learned to do what they are told when they are told to do it.
When they adapted to my dictates and attempted to work around me, I changed my tactics.
They would periodically whine to the Skid that he should miss school to visit them and tell him that they were more important than school. We set that shit straight in a hurry. The judgement was crystal clear. The kid would not miss school for visitation. They would spend all night on the computer texting and playing WOW with my SS so he was so tired he would not get up for school or would sleep through class. So .... we took away his computer except as a tool for school. They would distract him with texting .... so we took his phone away and replaced it with a call only basic phone.
When they would badmouth his mom and I while SS was on a visitation .... he did not visit during the next scheduled visitation. I have never denied visitation but I have made sure it was too expensive and too much of a pain the in ass for them to move forward with. But, it was their choice not to take the kid for visitation. When they were being shitty, we would not split a round trip air fare with them. One way was usually more expensive and they could not afford it so they would forgo visitation. If they were being shitty we would put limits on when we were available to take the kid to the airport to send him to sperm land. That usually would either drive their costs up or cause them to have to book flights several days after the beginning of their visitation which would shorten their time to the point where they would choose not to spend the money. We would tell them to book a SuperShuttle to pick up the kid and take him to the airport. "No! That costs too much". When they really pissed me off I would park a PI out side of their house and work which would scare the shit out of them because they knew the video footage would piss the judge off and embarrass the shit out of them in court.
When they tried to use my tactics ... I paid for the super shuttle to get the kid to the airport and paid the one way air fare costs.
When they behaved like reasonable adults then they heard nothing from me and they could do as they wished. But when they got stupid they learned in a hurry to get in line or suffer appropriately.
Now the kid is 18 and if they want him they can pay the round trip to see him. If he wants to go live with them, he can go. He won't. He knows where he has the best shot at a viable future.
Best regards,
I'm not sure if it was
I'm not sure if it was confronting her Or I told you so! She kept calling and complaing about the kids, and I had given her advice and of corse she did not follow it and then called me up 3 days later crying because of what the boys were doing! I told her if you had followed my advice 3 days ago you wouldn't be in this situation, so don't call me crying and looking for advice if you don't plan on following it!!!!
Arguing with my husband's
Arguing with my husband's ex-wife is like wrestling with a pig. We both end up dirty, but the pig likes it.
No thanks. Like my daddy always says..."you just can't coach stupid".
I think the key to success is
I think the key to success is to enjoy it even more than the pig does.
MY SS's SpermClan does not even try to argue with us any more because they know everything that comes out of their toothless mouths I am going to jump on like stink on shit to point out the idiocy of what they say and enjoy doing it.
Best regards,
I can't tell you how many
I can't tell you how many times I have dreamed of giving BM a taste of her own medicine...Especially the fact that she has pulled so much sh*t and sorry honey, you two weren't even married - you were a couple month long booty call that went wrong...She has always come off completely dramatic, over reacting to every tiny thing that her pea sized brain can manage to pick apart. There have been sooooooooo many occasions where I have just wanted to unleash on this idiot, but for fear of retaliation of DH being drug through court, or her dumb as$ attempting to call harassment or something stupid on me, I bite my tongue. It used to really bother me to not be able to say anything to her but now I figure a.) that piece of garbage is not worth wasting my breath on b.) she got purposely knocked up by someone she barely even knew, now she's alone and looks like a trashy sl%t, so she's already done my job for me, I don't need to try to make her look bad, she does that alllll by herself.
One of the other reasons I
One of the other reasons I don't go off on bm (other than the obvious of you can't fight with an unarmed opponent)-is that she is always flying off the handle. She gets pissy about the stupidest things and starts running her mouth-does it in front of her son, in front of my kids, etc. She has in the past come to my door and tried to start shit with me right in front of all the kids. People I know and that my kids know just dont act like that. I do not think it is appropriate to stoop to that level in front of small children. I had to eventually ban her from my property.
Oh yes, I have confronted my
Oh yes, I have confronted my stepson's evil BM many times. My favorite being the time she called me crying, ranting, and raving because her son told her he wanted to live with me. He also told her that I am very nice and she is mean for talking bad about me all of the time. This made her furious!!! I loved every single minute of it.
My confrontation with BM was
My confrontation with BM was so early in our relationship that I wasn't really aware of the ramifications. I was under the impression that I was dealing with a sane person.
BM knew that (my future) DH had met someone else since he told her and she had manipulated him into giving her MY phone number since he was at my apartment a lot and she had to know how to get a hold of him if "something happened to the kids." Never mind that he didn't have a phone at HIS place, but whatever.
She started calling up my phone repeatedly (I had caller ID) and screaming at my DH. I thought their conversations should be private so I would go in the other room but I could STILL hear her screaming!
Finally, I got sick of this crap since it was MY phone and MY apartment, I told DH that the next time she called, I was going to have a talk with her. Didn't take too long and she called again and started screaming at DH again. So he didn't say anything and just handed me the phone.
ME - Hello?
BM - (sputtering) Put XXXX back on the phone!
ME - Why?
BM - I need to talk to him!
ME - You weren't TALKING to him, you were YELLING at him.
BM - Put him on the PHONE!
ME - Not until you can actual TALK and not YELL.
BM - (starts screaming obscenities, etc at me and hangs up)
Now, the outcome of this was that she no longer called my apartment. I thought I had won. BUT then she started the whole manipulation of visitation, etc. etc. etc., causing us to ultimately have to go to court to get a visitation schedule set up.
After that, she kept taking DH back to court, especially after we got married. BUT, in the long run, we STILL won because our lawyer was better than hers.
There was only ONCE that we didn't get what DH asked for in court and that was because we didn't have the money for a lawyer that time. We had just bought a house and BM knew it so took that opportunity to get back at DH again with court. She tried to also make him pay HER lawyer but the judge said if he can't afford a lawyer for himself, he can't afford one for YOU to get what YOU wanted in this court hearing.