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Milomom's Blog

Hello again....from Milomom, an old friend to StepTalk

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Hi everyone! Most of you may not know or remember me - I'm Milomom and I used to be an active member here a few years ago. I think I first found StepTalk back in 2010 or so.

For those of you that may remember me....hello again!!!

For those of you that have joined StepTalk AFTER I stepped away for a little's nice to meet you!!

I've been busy reading everyone's posts and catching up with everyone's lives ("old timers"), as well as learning about others' lives ("newbies") - WELCOME!!!

DH has a "strategy" for his CS court battle with BM - a good laugh for everyone!!!

Milomom's picture

Hello everyone!! I'm an "old-timer" here at StepTalk that just hasn't posted in quite a while (sorry).

I was wondering if I could get everyone's thoughts/opinions on THIS "wonderful" idea by my DH (eyes rolling with sarcasm).

BM has filed a Petition for Modification of Child Support in court (UPWARD modification, of course).

DH seems to have a "strategy" for this whole BM CS crap. Are you ready for it???

Wait for it...



Selfish SM thoughts - need advice!!

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Today has been a bad day for me - not necessarily "bad" in the sense that something bad happened or anything, just more of a frustrating day of self-introspection. I was hoping that I could vent about it with all of you and get some objective advice.

Today I couldn't help but think some selfish thoughts - related to money and how much sacrifice we as SM's make to be with the men that we love.

I'm considering doing an "INTERVENTION" with FSD17 - NEED YOUR INPUT PLEASE

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OK, first of all, I have to say that I'm not sure about doing this ONLY because it kinda goes against the DISENGAGING that I've been doing with fskids (now that I've learned that term and all the benefits it brings). But...I will admit to all of you only that I have a purely SELFISH motive in doing this (and I also think that it actually COULD benefit FSD17 without me even trying)!! LOL!

Why does my FSDstb17 seem to WANT to be just like BM???

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Just a question that I thought I'd pose to all of you. The answer to this question seems to be so elusive to me - and the concept of FSD turning into BM right before my eyes just literally boggles my mind.

It's one thing for a parent to be able to "brainwash" their child against the other parent - through sheer manipulation or what have you. But what totally confuses me is WHY does FSDstb17 seem to literally worship BM and want to be like her and do all things that BM does? It's very scary. Here are some examples - comparisons of BM & FSDstb17:

Wondering what our life will be like when the massive CS$$$ to BM ends

Milomom's picture

Hello to everyone here at STalk. It has been quite a while since I've posted on here, but I've been reading and commenting on posts from time to time. I just thought I'd share some thoughts with all of you (and get some opinions/feedback) on what is a type of "universal" topic for many of us here.

FSD is sexually active...need advice on how to handle with BM

Milomom's picture

Seems like FSD16.5 is literally turning into her mother (BM) right before my eyes. It's like a vicious cycle - it will keep repeating itself if no one stops it. BM is an attention-seeking, uneducated, leeching, narcissistic, dependent lives-off-CS woman - basically sleeps with everything and anything (she has NO standards), etc... As FSD gets older, I see her becoming JUST.LIKE.BM. I'm worried about FSD and would like to do something to stop this madness before it gets worse.

Stepparenting - it CAN be successful!! Some advice to the "newbies" and those who think about giving up...

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I remember how frustrated I felt about my Step situation when I first found StepTalk and all of the AMAZING people that come here. I remember being at my wits end, feeling angry, sad, annoyed, frustrated and lonely - all at one time. I remember "lurking" for a little while, but not joining right away, because I had never "done anything like this before" - sought help from "strangers" on the internet. I think back then I thought I was losing my sanity - and finding StepTalk was my last ditch effort to preserve what little I had left.

I went to Parent Teacher Conferences (first time) and the lessons I learned about skids/BM and the POOR PERFORMANCE of students

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I've been reading quite a bit on here about skids who are total underachievers in school, life, etc... and BIOparents who either don't see it, don't do anything about it (the ones that do see it) or actually condone it/make excuses for it.

So, once again, I'd like to post the question: WHY, OH WHY would a PARENT actually allow this?? This is, at best, sheer ignorance and at worst, a form of CHILD ABUSE!!
