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Winning the Lottery...

poisonivy's picture

So, what if you win the lottery, how would you keep BM from dragging you and DH through the mud and taking everything you won?

Either DH and I would divorce and I would claim the winnings, or we would give my mom the ticket and let her claim the winnings. At least that way we could distribute it as we see fit!


secondplace's picture

I make sure it's my name we sign on every lottery ticket we buy. Of course, we're not married yet, so I was hoping this doesn't change. I would assume she wouldn't be entitled to any of "my assets". If I found out differently, however, my mother would suddenly become a very rich woman (on paper anyway).

caregiver1127's picture

Where I live it is martial property and believe me I have thought about this - DH and I would have to get divorced he would have to sign over the lottery money and then we would need to move and live in another state and then get remarried with me having a prenup - so sick about how much I have thought this out - :jawdrop: :jawdrop: :jawdrop:

Or we would have to keep the same lifestyle for 2 more years - only problem the lottery has to post your name by law.

skylarksms's picture


Or I'd wash my hands of ALL of them and retire to some far away tropical land. Smile

poisonivy's picture

I wonder how many BM's would "sell" their kids to DH? This is something DH and I have talked about before, too. Although, I have to admit, I'd pay her and then take her to court for CS!

smonster2's picture

DH and I would talk about this everytime we bought a lottery ticket. Divorce definately would have been the option with the ticket in my name only. Then we would "live in sin".....and laugh alot that BM couldn't get her grubby hands on the money. I'm so glad both SDs are 18 and 19 now. Now we just talk about quitting and traveling with the biokids. Smile

secondplace's picture

I guess my question is:

If your DH and his ex are divorced, and all the marital assets have already been divided, why in the world would she be entitled to anything anyway?

I live in Canada, so maybe things are different here????? Damn, at least I hope so.

smommy1's picture

I don't know where you are in Canada but you chould check up ont he laws surrounding child support. In Ontario, it's counted as income

purpledaisies's picture

That is why I think the cost of a child should be divided in half and each parent has to pay half and this sort of thing would stop!

poisonivy's picture

The winnings would be considered income for DH, therefore when she finds out, she can petition the court for a percentage (very large percentage) of his share of the winnings.

caregiver1127's picture

This happened to a poster on her and the BM went through the winnings very quickly and was broke and went back to get CS increased - imagine that as your BM!

they8ntmine's picture

We wouldn't get married till the skids are 18. And we would buy our own island one that is drama free. If you bring drama to my island you are voted off.

If your gonna dream, dream big... that's what FDH and I always say.

purpledaisies's picture

Dh and I thought about this too. We would make for sure that my name would be on the ticket and if we have to his dad would be a very rich man, on paper. He is the only one we trust to do this. Sad huh? Everything was divided when they got divorced including 401k and his retirement why should she get any of this money? Especially a woman that refuses to work and then whines that she needs more money! We also would set up funds for each kid with rules of when they can get the money and for what. The rest OURS!