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boyfriend's mom invites BM to my baby shower

priness80's picture

so i had my shower today and BM calls mother and law and asks if she can pick up SS and my DH picks up the phone and says no amd my MIL calls her back and says she can come so she shows up and ruines the whole thing makes a big scene of my DH yelling at her to leave and her yelling at SS to get in the car then MIL is like what she is my friend and the mother of my grandson "SO WHAT! this party is not yours to invite her too so i kicked BM and MIL out of my house and SS stayed man what a day


N8tiveButt3rfly's picture

Argh, don't you just hate those MIL's that just can't seem to move on? They meddle and poke their nose where it doesn't belong and even sometimes intentionally try to sabotage. I'm sorry to hear that she invited your DH's ex to crash your shower. The way my DH and I have been handling his mom is that she now has limited visitation with her granddaughter and she is intentionally left out of the loop. She has no idea what is going on in our life now because she had to keep starting crap. Our lives are MUCH more peaceful now and I can honestly say that this is the way it had to be. There will always be room for her in our life if she can learn to accept that DH and I are married and we are determined to make our marriage last. I hope you were able to enjoy the rest of your shower after the MIL drama was over. I sympathize COMPLETELY. Smile

priness80's picture

no she came because MIL invited her to the shower even though DH told her not to come she came just to be annoying then we told her to leave she acted like she was there for SS when it was not her day and she knew what was going on

unbelieveable's picture

WTH. Either way - honestly - WHO CARES! On the day of your baby shower - she shouldn't even be on your property - if she needed to pick up your stepkid - DH or MIL since she is BFF's with her should have freaking met her somewhere. What is wrong with everyone? On the day of your babyshower for God's sake? If your MIL disrespected her own son by telling BM to come to the house after he said NOOOOOO- she should not even be allowed near the hospital when your child is born. Jesus, what is she going to do? Invite BM there too? Seriously? What is wrong with these people - DIVORCE - means MOVE ON! Go hang out with your own blood family. Honestly...

caregiver1127's picture

That took a lot of balls on your MIL part - and kinda gross that BM wants to be there even to make trouble - did she have some asshole show up to her baby shower when she was pregnant with SS - probably not - I really don't understand why the first wife can't let the second wife enjoy her life - someone should totally research that - I am glad that your DH stood by you and let you kick them both out - I seriously would have called 911 on their butts.

ownpersonalopinion1's picture

You need to go ahead and address the issue about te delivery time of your baby and who is supposed to be at the hospital and who calls who, etc. You don't want BM showing up at the hospital bringing the SS during the delivery. Your hubby will want to bring SS to the hospital to see new baby sibling and it will be a special time for all of you----which does not include BM barging in.

I can't image why she would want to show up for your shower.

LizzieA's picture

Wow. Glad you and DH were in this together...once my DH had a HS friends reunion at MIL's--he invited his son to come down (16 or so years old). They live about 2 blocks from MIL but BM had to drive him and then she STAYED. Her big butt was sitting there listening while DH introduced me to all these people as HIS WIFE. DH said MIL told her to come..thoughtless on her part, but why would she want to hang around at DH's party? That was a weird one.

paul_in_utah's picture

For years, my MIL maintained a crush on SD17's perfect bio-daddy. She really wanted my DW to get back together with bio-daddy. She would actively work with bio-daddy behind our backs, even when we were litigating with bio-daddy over a BS Contempt of Court charge (incidentally, he had to had to eat his own shit on that one, it was totally mertiless). She would always take SD17s negative statements about me as fact, without ever dreaming of asking me or DW what really happened. As the years wore on, MIL finally started to see bio-daddy as the abusive, manipulative jerk that he is. MIL's desire for DW to get back together with bio-daddy has cooled, but she is still not really supportive of me.