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DH gets it?????

lisa510's picture

Okay, so I got a job to get me out of this house! I'm tired, but I think it was a good decision.

Now I'm not home to clean the laundry room, let the dogs out, keep the kitchen clean, and bitch about all the other crap that bothers me about sharing a house with piggish ungrateful skids.

Yesterday, DH came home an nearly had a coronary. First he argues with SS22 about SS putting money aside to prepare him to move out after college next May.

NOTE: DH and SS22 agreed that SS would give DH $1000 then 15% of his paycheck so that DH could put it into OUR savings account. When SS graduates, we give him his money and he's got money to get an apartment or whatever.

So yesterday, SS insults DH implying that DH is putting the money into our account and that's not what he wants. Sooooo.....DH gives SS his $1000 and says, "You wont have insurance as of 16 Nov."

Then DH asks SD16 if she had taken out the dogs. Of course not. She didn't "think of it." One of those dogs, the one who got pregnant and now has 4 puppies we have to get rid of, the one who has shit in my room three times and chews up my Victoria Secret underwear,,,,,,,,,that dog belongs to SD!! God forbid she lets the fucking dogs out!!!

So DH has had it!! Tired of giving and only getting shit on!! He finally said his son is a taker!! It is soooo true. All his son does is take, take, and take !!!! that's all....

Maybe, just maybe, DH is feeling the ingratitude I feel from the skids. I hate to see him struggle and be at ends with SS, but he's got to see that there are two kinds of people in this world - givers and takers.

His son is a taker.


lisa510's picture

I came into this relationship and quickly realized my DH's kids take such advantage of him. He busts his ass for his kids and they just kick him when he's down and then spit at him as they walk off.

My skids have been raised to do nothing to help the family. They have been raised to expect everything and give nothing. They do nothing in this house.

If your SS is young, somehow, start grooming him for leaving the nest early. Get him a scholarship with housing paid, send him to the military, or do somethings. There's nothing worse than living with ungrateful, self righteous young people. I know if my SS22 doesn't leave when he graduates college, I'm leaving!

lisa510's picture

Live with you until they get married!!!??? You know, my SS22 has his girlfriend spend the weekends here and that's one of the things that bothers me a lot. I think it's wrong. If you want to screw your girl, take her to a motel, or get your own place. This is one of the things my DH didn't get!! I'm not sure he gets it now. We're both hispanic, but I don't care for grown men using my home to bust a nut!!

How nice! (sarcasm) Dad and step mom pay for all the bills. All I have to do is go to school, go to work, and screw my girl on the weekends. What a wonderful life!!


I will be doing all I can to get rid of this mooch!!!

jlot's picture

I don't care for grown men using my home to bust a nut!!

I about spit out my water reading this....priceless.

lisa510's picture

Believe me....I am trying to get him out!! I have addressed this with my DH in therapy. DH is such a sucker!!! This kid sucks the life out of both of us and he does it in such a PASSIVE manner!!

He parks behind my car preventing me from leaving in my car, leaves his clothes on the floor in the laundry room, uses quilts as his mattress cover, leaves a mess in the kitchen.......then shuts himself in his room. DH has to go bang on his door. "Son!! The towels on the floor in the laundry room need to be picked up!" My poor DH is gonna have a heart attack!!


Bojangles's picture

Well I must say that setting aside the obvious frustrations with SS and SD it is great that your finding another focus outside the home is forcing your DH to confront his children's behaviour and hold them accountable himself!

lisa510's picture

He's gotta get it one way or another!! It's okay to love and care for your kids, but when they abuse you, it's time to put your foot down. And it posses me off that they treat him like shit!! I bust my ass helping him and they just abuse!!

on the fence's picture

You have entered the ugly time. It will get worse, but DH is on board now. It will probably blow up, SS will finally get pissed and move out and you will breathe a sigh of relief at last!