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Hogger's picture

Hello....I need to vent! My SS bio Mom has bipolar and it seems it's in the bad stage right now. Things had been quiet for a couple of months but now she is back to all her usual crap. She blames me for the break down of the relationship between my boyfriend and his Step son (her bio child). I have never done anything to this kid, he's 21 now, but she has filled his head with lies about me and says he won't come over to see my BF because he hates me. My BF was his father in everyway since he was 4 and it bothers him that he won't come over, now we know why. My SS is 9 and he's a great kid, but he supposedly tells his Mom he doesn't like me. I think he tells her that because she hates me so much. When he is at our house he is always seeking out my attention and talking with me without issue. Poor kid is probably so confused. Do I talk to my SS directly or just leave it alone??


Hogger's picture

I am mean too because I expect my bio daughter and my SS to clean up after themselves...same rules for both all the time. My daughter is fine with it but my SS doesn't have to do anything at his Mom's house. I get called ugly all the time and every other name in the book as well by the BM, don't care, just her insecurity. SS always clams up when we try to talk to him or even if my BF tries on his own. This siutation is not new, just same old repeated stuff whenever her illness gets bad we get the brunt of it! I am going to talk with my BF tonight and ask him to speak to both kids again, reassuring them it's ok to like me regardless of what BM says.

MamaBecky's picture

I wouldn't try to talk to SS, it might back fire on you. If you have a good relationship with him just continue to try to nurture it and be yourself. He is going to say what he has to say to his mom to keep her happy. Try to let it role off of your back unless of course he starts to display negativity towards you...then nip it in the ole proverbial bud!

Hogger's picture

I did exactly that last night, was very happy and positive with SS and BD, they had a great night...playing, laughing and singing all night! It was so great to see and hear, makes you smile! Smile I'm not going to let her negativity into our lives anymore (at least I will try my absolute best!)

Is it typical for bipolar to get bad at this time of year?