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My husbands crazy obsessive ex wife....

andrea2011's picture

Heres the deal, My husband was married to a woman for 8 years they have 3 children together, which he pays full child support for 900.00 a month to be exact and now has no visition, due to her moving the children out of the state with a 2 day notice, they now live 10 hours away, She calls/texts all the time telling him she has no money and shes always broke, mind you she does not live on her own she lives with a roomate in a 2 bedroom apartment the roomate in one room and her and 3 children in one room. And she works fulltime...I just dont get it...that's not even the reason I'm Writing today, that's just the beginning, this woman calls and text my husband all the time, it would be ok if were to talk about the children, but it usually not, she texts things like about going to a football game or how her boyfriend left her and how shes broke and doesnt know what to do, when she did live close to us it was way worse, she would come drop the kids off for the weekend and while I was upstairs with her children, she would text my husband and ask him to come back down stairs she needed to talk, if you call throwing yourself all over him talking...she was constantly trying to get him alone...we just went and had Christmas in the state she now resides in and went to pick the children up and again she tried to get him alone inviting him up to the apartment, she is a sick twisted individual, full of lies and deceit, She had a wonderful life when she was married to my husband, and SHE ruined it by cheating in him over 20x during their 8 year marriage, he stayed knowing she was doing this to him, hoping things would work out treating her wonderfully, for hopes she would change, Im guessing shes realizing this now and hates every minute of it, knowing she screwed up a awesome marriage and I now get to have it Smile
My husband doesnt see it as obsessing, and really doesnt understand why I get so upset when she calls or texts just to talk, ( when i want to talk i talk to my friends, not my ex)I just wish i could make him she shes crossing the line, unless there is a emergency or the kids want to talk to their father I think thats the only communication that needs to be...
Any help... :?


Frustrated New Wife's picture

I think you should put your foot down with your DH. I have told my DH that BM is his ex and the only thing they should be talking about is SS7. Of course, that wasn't a problem for him because that is all he did anyway. BUT, your DH isn't listening. I would tell DH that you don't have any communications with your exes because you don't have children with them. He, unfortunately, has a child with BM so therefore the conversations should ONLY be about the skids. How would DH like it if you were to just talk to your exes on an everyday basis? That would be the equivalent of what he is doing.

I find that men rarely, if ever, put the shoe on the other foot. Regardless of that though, your DH should respect you enough to stop doing something that is bothering you. Marriage is hard enough as it is (and marriage is definitely harder with skids involved) without him adding to it when he could just as easily stop it.

andrea2011's picture

I have tried putting my foot down, I get told that I'm jealous and to get over it...
Jealous of WHAT? A pos mother who puts her children on that back burner? A chick whose only way to get a man for a week is to constantly spreads her legs? It causes so many stupid problems,My Husband and I have a fantastic relationship, except for this one MAJOR issue, But it seems to be just my issue Sad

Rags's picture

Sounds like fairly typical X behavior to me. My XW called me many times the first year we were divorced because as she put it "you know me better than anyone. What should I do?" This was in reference to her two pregnancies by her geriatric fortune 500 executive sugar daddy. She lost the first one to a miscarriage but the second one stuck.

My Skid's SpermIdiot also plays these cards periodically. He calls to cry and ask if my wife still loves him, our son is 18 now and my wife and I have been married for almost 17 years. Pathetic morons like my XW, my Skid's SpermIdiot and your Skids BMs never seem to catch a clue. It seems that cheaters think that the people they cheat on are pining away for them while they are out fucking other people.

How delusional they are, at least most of them.