Im new here
Ummmm my name is ruth and I am 37 years old and I have been through a whole of things through out my life and I am barely learning to do things the right way in my life! I was in a relationship with my kids dad for 15 years then we ended up spliting up and with him I had a step daughter and things didnt turn out right and now I am with another man that also has a daughter so now I am right back were I started it seems like how the heck did this happen and thats why I went looking for this site or some kind of help but hey at least Im trying right!
- lakotasioux_73's blog
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welcome Geez these men with
Geez these men with daughters,I tell ya they're tough aren't they?!Hope you get as good advice as I've gotten here:)
Hi, Im new to this site as
Hi, Im new to this site as well..I have a 18yr old step son..we seem to never feel comfortable with each other and of course by wife(his bio mother) is caught in the middle. Although she shares in some of the reason for our differences..Recently the son and I had a blow up that has turned ugly. Bottom line is he was home from school all day and didnt do some things around the house that Id hope he would have done on his own when I tell him this..its the same old now where not talking he wants to move out..but of course doesnt have the means to do this..etc..its all seems to have escalated stupid hand I had to say something..but of course if I ouwl have kept mmy mouth shut done of this drama would be happening right now..ugh..anyway thanks for letting me hoping to get some suggestions, insight from parents who mike be experiencing the same things.

We'll help ya out! Vent
We'll help ya out! Vent woman!!
LOL thanks I really needed to
Welcome. Seems like the
Welcome. Seems like the daughters are the worst.