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lakotasioux_73's Blog

somebody please give me help!

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Sad I have no idea what to do my son is finally expressing his feelings and now my step daughter and her dad are really mad and hurt but I am stuck in the middle from What happened the night before with my son! But it seems like I am always putting up with my man and his daughters issues that now that my son is acting out now my man doesn't think that he has to deal with my son like I have had to deal with his daughter!

Im new here

lakotasioux_73's picture


Ummmm my name is ruth and I am 37 years old and I have been through a whole of things through out my life and I am barely learning to do things the right way in my life! I was in a relationship with my kids dad for 15 years then we ended up spliting up and with him I had a step daughter and things didnt turn out right and now I am with another man that also has a daughter so now I am right back were I started it seems like how the heck did this happen and thats why I went looking for this site or some kind of help but hey at least Im trying right!