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Ok, that was strange

onebright1's picture

What a freakin NUTBURGER!!! I pull up to the school to pick up bd and see that SO's EX is about 2 car lengths in front of me, I dont see anyone in the drivers seat, so I assume she is in getting her kids.
I respectfully, and a little fearfully to be truthful, wait in the car for her to come out.Turns out she is in the passenger seat and jumps out and marches past me in my car to the back and takes a picture of my car? WTF?? As she stomps back past me she says "Thank you" with an attitude. She gets back to the passenger side of her van and says loudly" On behalf of your dad kids, Thank you very much" WTF???
The guy behind me was like "whats her deal?' I just shrugged.

:? :? :?


onebright1's picture

TTGU, Kids were in the car with her, otherwise I wouldve. Truthfully though, I thought she was gonna pull me outa the car and kick my @$$.
But the picture wierded me out............ I havent a clue what that was all about.....
Twopines, Thats a nice way to put it Wink

alwaysanxious's picture


alwaysanxious's picture

I guess maybe she thinks you aren't supposed to be there? She wanted to document something. Or maybe she just wanted to take your pic to show all her facebook friends who her BFF is?? LOL Wink

overit2's picture

Is she about to say you are stalking her or something? Has anything happened recently ? Who knows what goes in in crazy heads lol-but it does seem odd or like she's going to be pulling something soon.

onebright1's picture

Well she tried to get a RO on me once but it was dismissed by the judge. But that would be downright assinine. I mean, I go there every day at the same exact time to get bd. She happend to be off work (cuz she wasnt in her uniform I noticed). So normally we dont cross paths.
I even stopped Waaaaay back as soon as I realized it was her van and just waited patiently. She had skid16 in the school getting the younger ones. Which I didnt know at the time(tinted windows) But ever since that RO attempt, I stay far far away from her.
I dunno , I just dunno.........

stormabruin's picture

This was my first thought. Sounds like she's trying to provide documentation for something. Oddly, while she may think she's documenting you stalking her, really all she's proving is that you were there to pick up your child.

What an idiot.

onebright1's picture

I should have used better punctuation, should be "On behalf of your dad, kids, Thank you very much"
As in she was saying "hey kids, on behalf of your dad, bla bla bla

onebright1's picture

She is an untrained illiterate big foot. Who knows??? }:) }:)

onebright1's picture

I did happen to see a cop, and stopped to tell her, but she just said " if anything else happens, let us know." I am kinda private, and I didnt want to spill out our whole story. So I just left it alone.
But the nice thing about this site is I have record of dates and times if I should ever need them Smile

onebright1's picture

lol yeah when I go back and read some of my stuff, I start to doubt my own sanity for sticking around Biggrin

JustAnotherSM's picture

Onebright1 is stalking/harrassing BM... "On behalf of your dad kids, Thank you very much" --> I'm guessing that is what she meant? Seems like she thinks she's got some good evidence against you. Yep, definitely a nutburger.

onebright1's picture

great, here we go again.......... seems like the everyone here is leaning to that.

onebright1's picture

Exactly! I mean geez, I couldnt have been anymore respectful of her space unless I left and came back later to get my bd.

stormabruin's picture

If that thought even crosses her mind, she needs to be snapping pics of everyone else's cars, as they are all crowding her space too.

I love to be a witness when an idiot presents all their "evidence" to a judge to plead their case in court. Wink

onebright1's picture

I think if she goes for a RO I will let it go thru this time. I am sick of missing work and paying attorney for her unstableness. She has a govt job. she wont get fired for missing work all the time, I will.......

MamaBecky's picture

Doesnt a RO against you look bad for you though? What if she uses an RO against you in the future saying because you had one against you you're a bad person. You know using the rationale that good people dont have RO's against them duh. LOL

onebright1's picture

Last time it cost me 600 for an atty. Just to have the judge throw it out. but did the judge require her to reimburse me for my time off or the atty? Nope. They just let her keep filing and filing and filing crap in 2 diff counties and not one of these judges ever tells her to knock it off. So I see what u are saying, but I am just so tired of court. She takes SO to court at least twice a month (not exagerating) over the dumbest stuff. And everytime the judge has told her he is not in contempt, but they do nothing to her for wasting all of our time........

hismineandours's picture

I'd file a restraining order against her. Say you feel stalked as she is showing up places that she knows you will be at and taking pictures of your vehicle and speaking to you.

aggravated1's picture

I agree. You need to be proactive and go on the offensive. You have enough, maybe, with the weird picture taking.

MamaBecky's picture

Yes...this is great. Dont wait for her to file one on you...file on her first for her stalkerish obtrusive behavior.

Now she has your plate number...who knows what she could be doing with it right? You feel threatened. Smile

onebright1's picture

yeah, no offense to the postal workers out there, but thats the stuff jokes are made of lol
Anyway, yeah, I never thought of that. I left a msg with my atty to call me asap!

Yme's picture

I could not agree more get a RO NOW!!....Sounds like SHE threatened you with her wacko talk and picture taking and being upset you were at the school to pick up your bio daughter...OMG this WACK O beeds to get real!! I would feel uneasy with her behavior... not to mention her dragging you back into court all the time....can you ask for a cease and desist (sp?) order? Would the same attorney you had before do this? Judge is prob sick of seeing her all the time anyway! Also IF you go back to court GET a court recorder!! PAY FOR THE REPORTER!! It saved my butt over and over when my DH xw would try crap like this with me!! few dollars WELL spent...all admissable in court if she ever takes you back.....Judge ripped XW a new one and ALL I have to do is whip that out any time there is a question to my parenting ability...SO worth it Smile