Same old, Same old argument
So I'm dating a guy that has 2 is 13 and the other is almost 3. I've been feeling very left out and unwanted lately, because "daddy" and I don't get much alone time together, because of his kids. I adore his kids, even though "daddy" and I haven't been together long. we've talked about marraige, and we both figure that we'll be getting married someday. I'm basically here to get some support and ideas on how to deal with this. I went to J with my problems about feeling unwanted, and he took that to mean that I'm jealous of his kids. In a way, I am, because they get the attention, while I'm stuck on the sidelines. his two year old even shares J's bed with him, so it's almost impossible to stay the night, because there isn't room for all three of us. I feel very much like a third wheel most of the time. we've had this argument twice, with my asking him to take a little extra to make me feel a little more wanted, and his saying he doesn't have any more to give, because his kids basically get it all. isn't there a way that he can do both? I asked him this morning to go for a walk with me sometimes, so that we can have "couple" time. even married couples need to take that time, but he doesn't seem to see that. I'm starting to understand first of all why his ex wife cheated, because she needed to feel needed, and also why he's been divorced. I finally went to my mother and explained the situation to her, and she made me realize a few things. I know my feelings are perfectly normal, from the reading I've done online, but my reaction to those feelings were NOT cool. I shouldn't have gone to J with my feelings, but rather to my mother first. that way, J wouldn't feel like he's a horrible person, which I know I did to him, and also I would have been able to fix my behavior without involving him at all. that would have been a much better solution to this problem. So to any "step parents" out there, if you're having trouble, please don't go to your partner first. do some research and make sure that what you're doing is the right thing for your new family. What I did was the exact opposite of what I should have done. I'm so grateful for a mother that is willing to tell me when I'm being a jerk.
- clover1981's blog
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I agree. YOU are not the
I agree. YOU are not the jerk. You are the one sacrificing by being with a man that has 2 children, and then he point blank tells you he has nothing left to give? If he ever wants a partner for the long run he is going to have to figure out how to manage his time and attention. And his son should be sleeping in his own bed.
i've wondered that myself for
i've wondered that myself for a while. at first it was because his bed was at mommy's house, but even after he got the bed back, he still let Z sleep with him. he didn't want to fight with him to make him sleep in his own bed, and he "sleeps better" with Z there. he's daddy's "cuddle buddy." which has also been said in front of me, which hurts my feelings when i try to cuddle with J, but Z comes running over, and basically pushes me out of the way so he can "hug daddy."
Thanks for the advice. i'm wondering if i should ever marry him. I'm so crazy about him, and i know he loves me. I would never ask to be MORE important to him than his kids. but if he's asking me to love his kids as much as i love him, shouldn't he return the favor?
yeah, i was afraid of that.
yeah, i was afraid of that. That's part of the reason i've been talking to him about this. i was hoping to help him realize that this isn't healthy for either him or his child. so far it hasn't done any good. I don't want him to grow old alone, because he's a good person, and he deserves the best. I guess if he's not understanding where i'm coming from, i should just quit trying? if it's not gonna do any good.
"he took that to mean that I'm jealous of his kids"
Guilty Daddy mantra 101
"even married couples need to take that time, but he doesn't seem to see that."
MORE guilty daddy crap
Here is the short list of symptoms but yours has already shown his true colours
1. Does your man allow co-sleeping with his children? (aka the kiddies routinely jump into bed with him at night)
2. Does he have to lie down with them to get them to sleep?
3. Do the children seem somehow "stunted" socially? Do they have poor hygiene habis, eating habits, bedtime habits?
4. Does your man subscribe to the "one big happy family" model? (expects you to love his children as much as or more than him)
5. Does your man have the "inability" to say no to his children?
6. Do his children seem overly "hyperactive" to you?
7. Does your man say "just relax; you worry too much" or "Everything will be just fine" if you bring up a legitimate concern
8. Do the children seem "overly needy" demanding that dad spend 24/7 with them? Do they physically lay all over him and go bonkers when daddy steps out of their peripheral vision?
9. Are they unable to do age appropriate tasks or want dad to do things that could easily be done themselves?
10. Does dad seem overprotective of his children; unwilling to let them try things out on their own?
11. Has dad said things like "I don't want to make waves with the BM b/c it will affect the children" or "we'll take the high road" when faced with blatant BM stepping over boundaries.
yeah, i actually answered YES
yeah, i actually answered YES to all of those. every last one. does that mean i'm not gonna be able to help him? or that i should just run and let him continue to be a bad dad? because basically that's what he is, if he's not treating his relationship with his son in a healthy way.
Dear, you are 30 years old
Dear, you are 30 years old i'm guessing? You have your whole life in front of you!! DO NOT CONTINUE your relationship with this man UNLESS you want years and years of misery. He already has a wife/GF and that is his CHILD!! He wants you exclusively for your maid and nanny services as well as any money you have for the grabbing to put toward disneying his wife, err I mean his child.
He is WILDLY waving his red flags of guilt in your face.
Find yourself a nice childless man. And this jackass's name should be put on the guilty daddy register. He is subscribing to the child adoration movement instead of child REARING!
You will NEVER EVER be able to FIX this. He will cause you to question your own sanity and make you feel like the bad guy. He already IS doing this.
BAIL in 5, 4, 3, 2 1!!!
Thank you. I am 30. i'm not
Thank you. I am 30. i'm not sure any childless guys my age exist that aren't already taken, but i can find one that's a bit more mature, right? Now i just need to find a way to not horribly break his heart. i really care about him as a person, but you're right, i shouldn't have to deal with this misery for the rest of my life. thanks again![Smile](
There are many out there that
There are many out there that have no children yet. I worked with one of them in my last job. When you get my age, THEN the pickings become slim. There are plenty thirty something SMART men who have put off childbearing for all the RIGHT reasons.
Take off now and don't let him try to ensnare you back by placating you and telling you want you WANT to hear (that he'll start parenting, blah blah) it's all a SCAM! He just wants you for bedroom benefits, maid service, laundress, non-parental status babysitter and financial backer.
There are many women on this forum who wished they'd NEVER gotten involved with men with children. These relationships go NOWHERE and are chock full of resentment.
And remember; you are not the
And remember; you are not the world police. For every one of these guys who is befriending their children, there are hundreds of thousands of other dads in the western world doing exactly the same thing for various and similar reasons.
Not your responsibility to "teach" this obviously horrendous non-parent how to raise his child. BOTH will resent you for it. Take it from me!
Thanks for the advice. i
Thanks for the advice. i really appreciate it. I guess i deserve a medal for even trying, right?![Smile](
Don't think of it as "medal"
Don't think of it as "medal" think of it as freeing yourself from a bottomless snake pit ala Indiana Jones.
now i just have to get the
now i just have to get the courage to actually do it. i hate hurting people, and this is really gonna hurt him. I'll figure it out. if nothing else, i'll be a total coward and just email him.
Do whatever you have to do to
Do whatever you have to do to get out NOW!!!! Do not listen to his "oh i will give you time as a couple" "i will listen to your parenting advice" "I will start parenting better"
He WON'T!!
You may be doing him the
You may be doing him the biggest favor in his life by leaving. That may be the only thing that smacks him into waking up! (but don't count on it!!)
Aut knows what she is talking about.
Good point, Sky! Clover:
Good point, Sky! Clover: Just make sure YOU aren't the one cleaning up THAT mess!
you guys are awesome! thank
you guys are awesome! thank you so much! i don't owe him anything, right? i deserve to be treated like the queen i am, right? if he's not willing to do that, because he already HAS a queen, then i need to allow him to be with his queen. aka his child.
NOW you're gettin' it!!
NOW you're gettin' it!! Think of it as a haunted house you're escaping from with the ghost "J" yelling at you in a demonic voice GET. . . OUT!!! With backdrop devilish laughter coming from "Z"
I didn't have time to read
I didn't have time to read all the other posts yet but I wanted to tell you that you are not the jerk here.
Your realtionship with your DH (when you get married) has to be his first priority.
My DH agrees with this in theory but he has trouble always sticking to it.
If the marriage doesn't come first it will never work out and everyone will be unhappy.
If the marriage comes first you and DH will be happy (or happier, anyway) and the children will get to see a great example of a healthy relationship.
This is my opinion and it works for us.
thank you 3B. The other posts
thank you 3B. The other posts basically are telling me to GET OUT NOW! and by now, i believe they mean NOW. as in TODAY. which i think is happening right now, because he's told me he doesn't know how to fix my being jealous of his son. which i've never told him i was. I told him i was trying to see if there was room for both of us, but that i don't think there is. he has room in his life for one person, Z, and even his 13 year old pays the price. Life sucks sometimes.
I'm running...for my life and
I'm running...for my life and for my happiness. I have some stuff at his house i will be getting tomorrow, but other than that, I'm gone. he told me that he doesn't know how to keep me from being jealous of his son. I told him i'm not, and i won't make him choose. i wanted to know if there was room in his life for both of us, but that i didn't think there was. this was (unfortunately) through email, so i'm still waiting for a reply. but i'm following advice from total, objective, strangers and RUNNING FOR MY HAPPINESS!!! Thanks ya'll!!!
I love this site! i've been a member less than 12 hours, and have already gotten the best advice. I'll stick around even when i start dating someone else, especially if he ends up having kids.
Our hearts are with you
Our hearts are with you clover, and if you have the guts to save yourself now, you are stronger than many of us who are still in the middle of the crap pile. Yes, I am a wimp. Now I just read posts from fairly new ladies like yourself and see myself in you and want vicariously for you to succeed where I failed. You can read it in almost every post on here and hear it from me yet again...I would never never never chose this route again. Honestly, there is a packed suitcase in the back of my car, literally, but I just cannot do it. Not because I care about his feelings (you still have that for your guy) because I know he would deserve every ounce of misery my departure would cause because he brought it all on himself. The longer you stay, the deeper into the quicksand, the more memories, the more furniture, the more mutual friends, and eventually you are buried in the complications of a breakup. Yesterday was the best day to leave, but today is better than tomorrow. Yes, I know, advice I should still take myself.
When I read your post, I couldn't believe it, why would your mother not have your feelings in mind? The guy being an ass, sure, I get that, but your mother?? I think you should have a heart to heart with her. This guy will be long gone, but your mother, thats an important relationship and I think she needs to understand you a little better.
I cannot agree more and add more loudly to what others have said. Just remove your emotions and try not to filter what he is saying through what you WANT to hear him saying. He is telling you that his kids are first, will always be first, literally take your place in the bedroom and take all of his emotional and physical energy. Worst, he is quite clear that if you have any suggestions or emotions or want to tell him how to make you happy, he isn't listening, and dismisses every concern by labelling you as jealous. That's the easy way out. Your are jealous, or in my case I hate his kids...whatever stupid black and white comment he can make to shut you up and end the conversation. Why? Because in his deep deep heart, he knows you are right, and he isn't about to hear it or acknowledge it. In reality, these men are all the same. I don't think you would think of him a such a great guy if you simply break down what he is saying to you. How great of a guy is a man who enters a relationship with a woman, gets her heart in his hands, talks of marriage, and then tells you that you have no business asking for any part of his emotional or physical being. He wants it all from you, but isn't willing to give a bit. The best man would know how to balance a romance and children and nurture both. A decent man would realize that he didn't have room for anything else but his kids and not get a woman involved for selfish reasons. Your guy (and most of ours) is the worst type. Come make my life complete. Live with my past...but I am not going to be troubled to consider your feelings. Sorry to ramble. It makes me so mad. If you are still reading, please be strong. Thirty is NOT old...and certainly won't seem old when you are forty and looking backwards, and will seem like a baby when you hit fifty. You have no kids right? You deserve a guy who can give you 100% of him, give you all of the firsts in life, and treat you and your heart like the treasures that they are. You are not sloppy seconds! You should not wait around feeling honored to wait in line until his kids are gone. If your best friend was in your place, what would you tell her? Please keep us posted.
and I must add one more thing
and I must add one more thing man was still sleeping with skid when skid was 10, TEN YEARS OLD, a ten year old boy! All skid had to do was tell daddy he couldn't sleep. I could protest and cry and walk out of the house and he didn't even notice. I slept alone while he cuddled with his precious baby 10 year old boy. Still makes me want to vomit. And when I called him on that absurb behavior, what did he say? "Oh, I've always slept with him when he can't sleep...since he was a baby." Great arguement Einstein. Great parenting. Its right in their face and they don't get it. They cause the bad behavior and then pat themselves on the back for being parent of the year. It is so self serving. If you think you can live with a two year old taking your place in bed, fast forward and ask yourself if you can deal with a 10 year old.