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How am I doing?

Moonchild10's picture

Really? You sure you want to know? Well, let me tell you! I'm feeling fan-f*cking-tastic at having my home, where I pay bills and clean and act like an adult, turned into a love den with SO and SDevil! It feels GREAT to be cast aside for three nights and listen to "Daddy I love you!" and "Daddy, can you help me because I'm purposely alienating MC?" (the bit after the help I added from my POV....if she said that, I'd seriously throw her in traffic). It feels AWESOME to have a CHILD weigh in on decisions like where we should eat and what we should do, then be included like I'm the child! It feels WONDERFUL to be a partner with someone for four nights then fall to the sidelines the other three. Man, I couldn't have dreamt of a better life if I tried! The whining? Music to my ears! The loud talking? Why not louder! The sloven state of her room? Why don't I just let my dog use it as a bathroom! So why don't I just tell him, you may be wondering? Sure! I love having unproductive arguments and conversations with someone so self absorbed and "sensitive". Can't say boo to her because I'm "too hard on her" but I'm supposed to pick her up? Let me get right on being your f*cking slave!

*I thought this would make me feel better but its just pissing me off even more. I seriously feel like I have no control over my anger, which leads me to believe even more that I may be knocked up. The last time I was irregular was due to the miscarriage last year. Since then I'm been right on point, even early! I hope I'm wrong but at the same time it would be nice to have a child I actually care about and have ALL the involvement with. Just don't know how I'm going to manage with no job, possibly living with a roommate, a puppy and bills. People have survived on less though and I'm a survivor!


Maebelle's picture

"It feels AWESOME to have a CHILD weigh in on decisions like where we should eat and what we should do, then be included like I'm the child!" :sick: That was so my life at one time. SS had to be catered to, indulged, spoiled while the adults went without. That changed. But it took a lot of counseling, a lot of my DH reading stuff on forums like this one, and it took me refusing to put with that crap. I stopped going out with them. When DH would ask me why, I would explain that I didn't like SS calling all the shots like he was the adult. Talk about falsely empowered and falsely entitled! Blech on these men for letting these children be little kings and queens!!

Moonchild10's picture

Thank you, Mae! I'm sorry to hear that you went through the same thing but it makes me feel less crazy to know that I'm not alone. She's going to be 4. When I brought up the fact that I'm the adult and the SO, his response was "well, how could you weigh in on a discussion that you weren't there for?" can text me during the day for about you mention it then instead of "well, SD4 and I were thinking we should go to X for dinner." Seriously?!? about I stop paying the bills and she can step in for me. I'd love to see her play the adult role. And then she has the GALL to keep sneaking looks at me or acknowledging me half assed. He will never go to counseling. He doesn't "believe in it". I didn't know that we were going to meet the tooth fairy. Like my therapist and I have discussed, this isn't the right relationship for me and I need to focus on myself. Its REALLY hard when you have to endure the nasally panderings and whinings of a child you want to disappear.

rather5619's picture

OMG!! I feel your pain. It's so good to know that I'm not the only person that feels that way. Unfortunately for me, it started when SD was 4 and still continues at 10. Only now she can manipulate BF by saying, "She doesn't like me," and he's instantly in protective dad mode. I don't scold or discipline. I basically keep my mouth shut for the two weeks she is here. Yes, two weeks on, two weeks off. I so look forward to those two weeks of absolute freedom.

Unfortunately, it's a holiday weekend and the future MIL is having a family reunion. The BF tells me that I don't have to go that I have a legitimate excuse to stay home. However, because he and his daughter are "family" they must go. So, I have the choice to once again to stay home alone on a holiday or travel 8 hours with the SD to a family reunion. I don't want the two of them expecting me to stay behind all the time. BUT, I really don't want to be stuck with a needy, whiny, manipulative...well you get the picture. Of course, once we get to his mother's, she will want to monopolize all of the BF's time and will fight with the SD to get time alone. UGH!

Moonchild10's picture

Wow! Really? He let out in the atypical fight we had last night (atypical because he wrapped his hands around my neck and began choking me...pretty sure I'm pregnant and that's what happened...I had to say it again to still feels...surreal) that SD4 has been asking why I won't speak to her anymore but of course, he doesn't tell her that its because of him. When she says "hi MC" all monotoned and pseudo innocent with a splash of disinterest, I reply in the same. I have no where to go, no source of income but I'm leaving here...tonight if I have to. I can't believe this man claimed to love me and did what he did. And his mother-loving mother! REFUSES to acknowledge me as a human being because I told them that he needs help. He drinks constantly, dabbles in drugs, is a guilt ridden, lazy part time parent who has anger issues to boot but I'm "that woman" who spoke ill of her precious son. This is going to be hardest on my poor pup, who got used to them and his dog. He was already whining because X took his dog for a walk and left mine behind. I walk them together, no matter what, because dogs are pack animals. Of course I got the lame excuses and apologies but this time...nothing. No iota of sympathy or anything. You started to strangle me while saying you're going to kill me because I call you out on your slovenly laziness? Any chance of ANYTHING being right between us is done. I have half a mind to tell BM but I just want to get as far away from these people as I possibly can, right after rights are signed away.

Moonchild10's picture

Oh believe me, Miss Pinky. I do realize. More than any one can know and fathom. You see, I am the child of divorced parents. In that home, there was nothing (NOTHING) but domestic violence. He didn't threaten to strangle me. HE STRANGLED ME. He threatened to KILL me. I kicked him in the family jewels and told him that this (THIS) was it for me. I refuse to be with a person like this, solely because of what I watched my mother endure for "the children". I'm out of here, whether my stuff comes or not. Thankfully, there are people looking for roommates so I will be busy this holiday weekend getting a safe place to stay.

Thank you for the support, however. It is appreciated. I have to think about myself, my child and my pup now.

Kerrid04's picture

Wow I was reading this and had to check to make sure I didn't type it myself. LOL Everything you have a problem with I have the same thing going on here just I now have to deal with it 7 days a week not 3 nights anymore cause DH just got full custody of SD. The loudness, getting thrown to the side, letting a child pick what everyone wants to eat, everyone expecting you to play mommy but you don't have a right to discipline or give any advice to anything that has to do with the child. I love how you said you cant say boo to the child cause your being to hard on the child.The part I love the most is when you say something to someone they all ways say well SD is the child and your are the adult. Yes, I m fully aware that I am the adult but does that mean I don't or shouldn't have feeling about anything the effecting my life of course I am not going to sit and talk about all this to my SD. I guess I am glad that at least I can come on here and vent and sometimes find someone that has the same thing going on as me.

Moonchild10's picture

I know what you mean! Its like YOU have to walk on eggshells for a child. Could you imagine if we even TRIED that as kids? I found a room to rent. I can afford it on unemployment and the girl didn't ask me any questions. She's also going to help me pack and move. I'm going to hit up my savings account and get this ball rolling. I won't lie, I feel terrified! I've been living with him for two years and I've turned this house into my home. I took my paintings off the wall and he didn't say a word. I told him that I'm leaving (refused to answer when he wanted to know where) and told him that my responsibilities need to be discussed. He said not to worry about it but I'm no fool. He'll go and tell anyone who will listen about how I didn't contribute to the household but anything he ever needed and more was always here. He said that he needs time to think. Oh really? Where was that restraint when you put your hands on my neck? This feels like an AWFUL dream. I have acknowledged that this will be hard. I am mourning the loss of something I thought and hoped I had but never did. He tried to say that he thought that it was "fair" for me to pay $300+ for the electric bill when he took care of everything else and that I was "ungrateful" by not taking care of the house. Who did the laundry, made dinner, cleaned up after you and your child, bought your child stuff when you couldn't be bothered, is spearheading the renovations and renting of the upstairs apartment? But I'm ungrateful? Anything they wanted or needed, they had and all they ever did was ask for more. So I stopped. The dishes are STILL piled up in the kitchen from the last time he "did dishes". And he had the nerve to say to me that when he wasn't working, what he did (He tackled a different project every day! Oh! But my cleaning and studying for my medical school entrance exams is bubkiss! Not to mention, I don't need to take a week to clean a house) yet couldn't even acknowledge what was done in the house? When he paid for dinner or did anything a man wouldn't even hesitate to do, I thanked and appreciated him but has he thanked me? Never turned him down sexually but was always rebuffed when I was in the mood. "Hey, pick up SD4 please, I'm working late" and then he shows up at the house at his normal time.

The one-sided criticism has been building up but last night was the straw that murdered the camel's back. To say the vile stuff that he has said over the time we've been together (c*nt, wh*re, etc.) only to apologize for "being angry", the never standing up for me to his family (and hello! I was freaking right!), the never being there for me when I need him but his ability to drop EVERYTHING for his friends, family and BM, I can never look at him the same. Nor do I want to. I hope that I can heal from this and let real love into my life. And I hope that you ladies can establish boundaries for yourselves and end up happy with whatever decision you make. I will definitely still be lurking, even though I will no longer be in a step situation.

majka's picture

I am VERY proud of you that you are leaving that situation. There have been other people on this site that I have read about similar situations what have tried to dismiss this behavior, and pretend like its going to get better... Sometimes I have wondered what has, or will happen to these women. Take care, be strong, and know that you made the right decision.