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Someone posted about the anxiety level of dealing with BM

12yrstepmonster's picture

Have you ever noticed when they are quiet too long that the anxiety starts up again. It's been to long since we've had an email or communication of any kind- and my anxiety creeps back in.


Zoie's picture

I hear you.....It's unreal that some BM's only live to cause He*l in our lives...argggggggggggggggggggg..

momof5_1969's picture

we have a lifetime restraining order so we don't worry as much any more, especially since the last time she came to town, she got arrested and thrown in jail for the weekend. That put a kibosh on her stepping in and meddling. Smile It did make me giggle (a lot) on the inside that she got arrest on a Friday night and couldn't be arraigned until Monday morning.... oopsie.... }:) is it bad that I get great pleasure in that?? LOL I'm even giggling again about it.

She's an awful, and horrible woman. She deserves that and so much more. I hate to say that because I'm a SM and a BM, but if I'd done the horrible things as a BM to my child -- I'd deserve that too. Needless to say, we don't see or hear from BM much -- thank GOD!

MamaBecky's picture

It's the not knowing. When BM goes quiet we don't know what she's up to...and it's the anticipation that gets to me. I hate when I know what she does...and I hate not knowing what she's going to do. Double-Edged-Sword!

NCMilGal's picture

You know what is worse?

When you hear about BM's shenanigans from third parties, like the skids or your in-laws. That's what happens with me. I haven't spoken to the woman more than 5 times in 5 years, but she and DH used to get into it - first frequently, and less and less as time went on. She tries to stir crap up about twice a year. After the last time, DH has FINALLY agreed to NOT ANSWER THE DAMN PHONE.

But we still hear about things. BM lost her job a year ago - I started freaking about court. BM flipped out about SD15 in December - I started freaking out about withheld visitation. BM steals money meant for SD15's school, and tries to extort money from MIL - I get indignant. BM beats SD15 - I start gearing up for a long ugly custody case.

I need to quit letting her own space in my head.

Soon-to-be-Step-Mommy's picture

Sad I have general anxiety disorder...BM sky rockets my anxiety through the roof on a regular basis. The shit she pulls, the crap she says, having to meet up with her to pick up/drop off SD, DH talking to her on the phone...every. damn. thing. about. her.

Auteur's picture

ALWAYS waiting for the other shoe to drop. Usually when skids hit 21, some of that drama goes away, but the skid picks up where the PASinator BM left off.

sweetness01's picture

I get this all the time when BM goes quiet. Everytime things seem to settle down I'm just waiting for her to kick off again. She is only every quiet if she has something planned!!

Zoie's picture

OMG same with ours and right now she is quiet after being on the war path since I know that crazy B**CH has something planned and oh lucky us (sense the tone here) we will find out real soon.. arggggggg..I just can't stand this woman..yuckyyyyyy