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Is it possible DH is changing?

seidahogirl's picture

So over the weekend DH and I had it out. DH beat me to the punch and stated that if I cannot change my feelings for "HIS BOY" then he was walking. When he told me this I kind of chuckled, not to be mean but because I was going to tell him the same thing this Friday in counseling, as planned.

We went round and round Sunday and part of Monday. I plead my case, pointed out SS obvious behavior issues, lack of HIS parenting and left it at that. I know it hurts my husband to know his son causes a lot of drama and I know my husband wants ME to be SS's BM, BUT I AM NOT. I am his SM and that is all I want to be. I pointed out the FANTASTIC relationship DH has with my kids and how I envy that because my BC treat DH more like a father than their own. He has no clue how big of a gift this is for him. It's not normal and many of us would love to have a good relationship with our SK's.

Anyways, by Monday late afternoon DH started manning up and paying attention to the things I said SS does that is not acceptable. I don't know what the hell happened but whatever I said, did or didn't do, WORKED. He has not allowed SS to get away with anything. SS has walked into the house multiple times asking if he can do things he knows he cannot do and Dad stands firm (typically he caves in and gives SS his way). It also seems like DH is getting annoyed with HIS BOY because the child is truly annoying. The way he talks, his constant questioning, his mouthy comments, etc. I love it! It's almost like reality hit my DH with a ten ton truck.

I don't know how long this is going to last but I'll take what I can. We have to start somewhere, right? I'm heading to California for a week and DH will have HIS BOY (as he called him in our argument) all alone without me.

It feels good to be validated by DH. Smile


BSgoinon's picture

Wow, that is great! And maybe this week with him will be even more of an eye opener to "his boys" behavior.

I know that when Dh has to have the kids while I am at work, he is more prone to recognize that SS is not perfect... and I am not just making things up to be mean. LOL. SS is a good boy, but he isn't perfect like DH would like to believe he is.

Good luck! I hope this sticks!

roseslady2's picture

Wow. That's great! Time to reward DH, huh? Maybe he'll keep it up if he sees you happy and gets a little attention because of his good behavior.

novemberm's picture

That is awesome! He may be waking up! My boyfriend doesnt get mad at anyone, but for the first time in almost two years, I saw him get really annoyed with his daughter's antics. He actually called her out on a BAD decision she made, and he is not in his "guilt mode" like he usually he is.

I wish you a lot of luck!!!!!! I hope it keeps getting better!