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seidahogirl's Blog

Just venting

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It amazes me that DH blames BS for SS behavior. When my kids are gone for 7 weeks who's he going to blame then?

At some point DH and SS will have to take responibility for SS bad behavior.

Another Sunday ruined.... Sad

Phone rings....

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Phone rings.....

Me: Hello?
Caller: This is the Principle at Elementary School
Me: Which child are you calling about?
Principle: SS11
Me: Oh!! Hold please while I get his father for you.

(snicker, giggle, snicker, giggle)

Me: Honey, the Principle is on the phone for you
DH: For me?
Me: Yes, it's about SS

(handed phone off to DH with a smile and tried hard to not laugh at the priceless look on DH's face)

3 months have gone by and the drama continues.....

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Things at home have gotten worse with SS. SS has been stealing money from us, stealing from students/teachers at school and on the bus, conflicts with peers at school, bad grades (which is a first) and the list goes on. When I caught SS stealing MY money I told him and DH that the line had been crossed and next time I will press charges against SS. If DH will not do something then I will, even if its drastic. Sure enough, 3 days later we found stolen items in SS backpack (one week before Thanksgiving). DH beat me too it and took SS to the police station.

Prayers have been answered (I think)

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Today DH came home and advised that SS10 counselor will no longer be at the counseling center starting next week. HOORAY!!

DH and I are on a mission to find SS a Dr.(Psych D) who will take the bull by the horns and get into this kids head. No more pussy footin around, this kid needs help. We have spent the last 6 months working with this particular counselor and things have gone from bad to worse. We need an actual psychologist and that's what we plan to get.

Think SS is like Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde

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Well I'm back after spending a week in California with family. I was suppose to travel alone so DH and SS10 could think about what they really want in this marriage/blended family BUT SS ended up going with me. It was pretty good and things went exceptionally well until the last 2 days of our trip. My BC were delivered back to me Thursday night from their 6 week vacation with their BD and SS instantly became a changed child. I had a talk with SS and reminded him of how wonderful things had been for US and I wanted the rest of the trip to be just the same.

I think I stepped over the line.....

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Last night DH and I had a parent talk with SS. We advised him that in order to make our relationship work(mine and SS) he was going to have to step up and make an effort. We told him there will no longer be the manipulation games played between DH and I, the rules will be followed and that WE were taking a stand together to correct the problems. I then spoke up and told SS that I love him and I want the BEST relationship we can possibly have but I cannot do it on my own, it takes the both of us.
