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i blocked everyone but H today

rozylady2's picture

my ss had already blocked me on facebook. he bullied his father(h tried to add me back on there then tell him but ss freaked!he was standing right next to me scaring me for he was at the point of losing it, screaming at his father and h just sat there.another story there. he allowed him to continue blocking me and refused to tell h his password..
fast forward to today, my sd chose to write she hates when she makes a guy her whole world when he doesn't in return -author unknown. i commented a woman should never make a guy her whole world. she will lose herself. she deleted it. i repeated it thinking it was glitch (facebook had alot of them lately) she did it again. i asked her why she deleting . for i said nothing mean or wrong.she instead of talking to me she deleted it.i decided to let it go and joke with her (rolls eyes sticks tonge pssst ) . she not only deleted that but blocked me! plus she did it in my room on her fathers pc!
i was only joking now im pissed off. when she came out i just pointed a finger and said "you need to grow up" she had the nerve to act shocked.told H what happened he said stop and did nothing more. so i am still blocked and the issue wasn't dealt with like normal.i was sitting here thinking this is crap! so i decided to block her email address,her bro completely (he did add me back after his bulling but blocked me from his wall)and my MIL. im sick of them all! i saw yet again how mil meddled in things with H saying stuff like what he doesn't get to choose who he wants on facebook? im like really! he doesn't pay any bills or anything and yet she says that! or after the screaming incident H said he needs to take him to behavioral hospital she tells ill talk to him(way to go grandma support your screwed up gs and not your son the father of him)h been saying this for years but she always intercepts and say she`ll talk to him and yet nothing changes.


momof5_1969's picture

This is why I hate Facebook!! I'm having the same issue with my SD16. I had her listed as my 'daughter' for several years on my FB, she had accepted my relative request and then all of a sudden out of the blue she takes herself off as my 'daughter'. I realize she's not my daughter, she's my step daughter (her Mom is out of the picture and I've been all she's had for 5+ years), but she's been on there for several years listed as my daughter and then takes herself off. What the heck??!!

I mean think about it .... your situation would have never happened had we not had facebook to begin with. My situation and hurt feelings wouldn't have happened if we didn't have facebook. Sometimes facebook is just a pain in the butt!!

Your SD and SS sound immature, rude and disrespectful -- typical of teens and especially typical of step teens! It's so frustrating with the computer issue with teens these days because you can tell them they can't have a facebook account, but they simply find other ways around it. So frustrating. Just like my SD16, she got her phone taken away, but come to find out she can text from her IPOD. What the heck?! What's the point of punishment then? Sigh.

Oh well, we're almost there .... she's almost 18, and SS is 18 and hopefully going to get his act together and be out soon. How old are your steps?

rozylady2's picture

im worried she wont move out and he wont either. they`ll keep living off wont be able to join the navy like he wants because of his arm. now the me telling him you need to have a back up plan is coming to fruition.he knows this and is ticked. bet he thinks its my fault in some way.