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No more Mr. Nice Guy

newbiemommy's picture

My disengaging is showing GREAT progress. My SO is FED UP with SD10's behavior. I am her primary care giver so obviously I could only disengage so much. And I stopped covering up her behavior so my SO won't be stressed. Its been an AWFUL week. Shes been lying, not doing homework, peeing her pants at school and home, not doing what shes told. Its been awful.
I have... Stopped paying for things, stopped cleaning up her messes, stopped letting things slide, and stopped letting her distance me from her father. Its actually been great being so open with my SO. Hes been supportive, he has not excused her behavior, and hes taken care of things himself. Its been rough the last couple months. I'm fighting to get back to where I feel some kind of connection and care from him.
The HUGE steps taken this week. She got her ass chewed for throwing his ex in my face (it was the first time I ever told him she did this), my SO is actually acknowledging when she pees everywhere and sometimes even cleans up, she got in HUGE TROUBLE for not doing her homework all week and lying about it (she is now accountable to him with her homework and got her halloween candy"taken away"), to top it of shes grounded all weekend because of overall behavior.
I know things will get worse before it gets better because she is going to push back. I'm going to just try to be a supportive of my SO as possible and hopefully try and find a minute or two somewhere to reconnect.
Funny story, today SD10 was grounded. She made a HUGE mess at breakfast and I cleaned everything up BUT her mess. SO goes and gets SD10 to clean it up. He sprays the table and hands her the rag to wipe it. She plays dumb and literally starts pushing the rag around like shes mentally incapable making the crumbs go all over the carpet I had just vacuumed. He says, "Here, let me show you how to do it. Next time you will have to do it on your own." I smile to myself knowing he's getting played because just last night I made her clean up a mess and she did it just fine. So after HE finished cleaning up HER mess he tells her its back to her room. She literally goes skipping to her room snickering to herself on the way. Well, SO didn't miss that. So he followed her quietly. He came back and told me that the look on her face was priceless when she turned around and saw him there. He went off on her and I guess he got so upset with her attitude he smacked her behind. Ooohh... Its about time people see this side of her behavior like I do. VERY funny!!!


shielded2009's picture

It's so great when dad's aren't wearing their rose colored glasses...Bravo to him... there something going on with SD and her peeing on herself at 10 years old? That screams needing therapy...

newbiemommy's picture

Nothing that we know of. We have taken her to the dr and she has no excuse for why she does it. We really feel its an attention thing. And I think its because she loves being treated like a baby. She loved when her dad put her in diapers. :jawdrop: When shes had motivation she doesn't wet herself. I just haven't found good motivation that lasts longer than maybe a week. Plus, I just found out shes been peeing at school again. She thought it was so cute of her that she got to wear all these clothes from school home. She rarely if ever pees for me because I don't lift a finger to help her get cleaned up, then I go a step further and send her to her room and completely ignore her. Its been months that shes peed when I've been watching her.

Anywho78's picture

YAY! It sounds like things are at least looking up! Having your SO actually SEE your SD being a turd should help any issues he has with denial Smile

What did SD say to throw his ex in your face? I hope she got in HUGE trouble for that!

Glad to hear your SO is FINALLY stepping up with your SD...fingers crossed her behavior starts to get better & your SO appreciates you like he should!

newbiemommy's picture

She randomly brings up, "My dad gave GU a ring, because he loves her more." I tell her I dont wanna hear it. Which just fanned the flames then shes goes into, "GU and dad used to do (play games, go to park, ect)together. GU used to kiss my dad on the mouth more than you. GU does her hair like this, I think its prettiest. GU bought me this baby doll I like it more than all the toys you got me...." I usually ignore her but I forgot and reacted so it went on and on. By the time SO came home I wanted to cry!
I so hope things get better!!!

Anywho78's picture

OMG...your SD is lucky that I'm not her SM! I probably would have recorded her hideousness (as proof for SO) & sent her to her room until SO got're far more patient than I Newbie Smile

Again though, happy to hear things are starting to come together for you guys & that your SO is starting to pull his weight with SD Peepot (loved it when called her that the other day...GREAT!)