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SD10 peed in my f'n car!!!!

newbiemommy's picture

I'm so pissed off right now. SD10 had FINALLY been doing better. She hasn't peed herself or the bed in a month, school has been good. NOTHING has changed besides we have given her more privileges. She gets to stay up 30 minutes later. She is allowed to choose to go to her mothers on the weekends. She is allowed video games. Well, Friday night her dad tells her she can stay up as late as she wants, do whatever she wants (she was playing video games). What does she do?? After gaining all these privileges she doesn't want to stop her game so she sato there and pees... So we decide shes grounded Saturday. As soon as her dad leaves for work shes horrible for me. She keeps leaving her room, tries to get toys to play with, ect. SO decides that since shes had a stellar month that she would still be off punishment today.
So we all go to the grocery store. My SO is hanging back and he looks pissed. I still unlock the door and walk in. She walks in drops the groceries and tries to run to her room. SO says, "Stop right there." Tells me to look at her. Her pants are soaked! I wanted to scream at her! We were in my car because my SOs car is broken.
P.s. This isn't the first time shes been wet in my car. I really wish there was a way to say she can't be in my car anymore. But like I said my SO is using my car. :sick: I'm so f'n pissed off!!! And I'm wondering what this week will be like at school. I don't understand this acting out when shes completely getting her way. I kind of expect this week to be bad because shes already in trouble.


Anonymous_stepmom's picture

Screw the pull ups! Get her some depends, that aughta embarrass her enough to stop this bullshit.

Stepmommy06's picture

Have you taken her to the doctor? Wetting herself intentionally just to be obnoxious doesn't sound that likely. She might have a medical issue going on.

newbiemommy's picture

Well folks, we tried diapers. Genetic, ugly, sickly tab diapers. And she LOVED them. She peed herself constantly. We were spending so much on them. She loved the excuse to be lazy. It truly is laziness. Shes been to a dr. And like I said she went the last month just fine without incidence.

newbiemommy's picture

I guess thats one thing I haven't thought of. It might actually be something she enjoys. :sick: Because we do make her clean it up. Get her hands wet ect. Also, before her dad started paying attention she would pee the bed every night and when I disengaged for awhile she would sleep in it night after night! Her stuffed animals smelled/smell like pee and she loves to rub them on her face. After what you said I'm starting to put more together.
I wish this was as easy an answer as putting her in diapers or making her clean it up. Our dr said the same thing, diapers are a no no at this point. Its just encouraging her to keep it up.

branmuffin97's picture

^^^This!! I had a foster daughter that would cry until she puked...on purpose. It was attention one accepted the invite to her pity party...and she had to clean up her own messes. Two times of cleaning up her own vomit was all it took to get her to find other, less disgusting, methods of attention seeking.

Anonymous_stepmom's picture

I hear ya on the whole control/attention issue. I'm not exactly sure why but the one day SO's SD6 messed herself purposely while at my home, SO thought it was my son who was then 3 and was potty training but after checking and realizing he was clean he was kinda like where is that smell coming from? That's when SD walked over and purposely put her butt in his face and laughed about it. She's never done it since but BM says she has done it at home quite a few times and I guess SS8 wets himself quite a bit at home, he has never had an accident when at my home either. Either way I hope it passes quickly for you, it's not something anyone (child or parent) should have to deal with.

P.S. My first response was kinda meant as a joke, I should have put a LOL at the end of it but didn't think to.