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Ok I am Hogging today LOL another funny text from SD

daisy0202's picture

So again this is a text:

SD: Can't believe you called my daddy, what is wrong with you, what do you hate me. What is the big deal if we go? I know you dont get along with my aunt but we do so butt out...

Now I wanted to just ignore but F%^$ that

Me: I called your father to see if he was actually going because of my son and if he needed to get dinner or stay with my mother for dinner and actually SD I do not really need to explain myself to you. If you have any issues please call daddy...

SD: Well now I can't go because of you.

Me: No SD your not going because your father already had plans for dinner. maybe next time give him more of a heads up and then he will know you would like to go to your grandmothers.

SD: yahhh well he yelled at me and I did not like it


Me: Well he is your father and I need to get back to work so have a good night...

SD: You think your so smart dont you?

I gave up at that point....and forwarded it all to DH
His text
DH: MF I'm going out of my mind with this girl....This is ridiculous...

Me: Ya think!!!

DH: I am sooooo sorry I will make this up to you this weekend and deal with this dont worry... Smile

(Therapy Thursday SHE NEEDS IT!!!!! PSYCHO BITCH!!!! God that is aweful to say but WTF>>>>>)



ThatGirl's picture

She's a total wing nut. I'd block her number and let her father deal with her from now on.

daisy0202's picture

I deleted her number once and he got very upset...So i put it back, I wish i could block it but he would flip!!!

Madam Hedgehog's picture

This girl really is nuts. How old is she? Your DH seems to be on top of things though. And yes, therapy I believe is a MUST

stormabruin's picture

So she thought she could text you that they wouldn't be there for dinner & assumed nothing would ever be mentioned about it between you & your DH?

You think you're so smart don't you? LOL! It appears you are more than she.

daisy0202's picture

LOL BM just text me, which i am not thrilled about guess SD called her and her responce was..


I ignored it...

I AM AT WORK PEOPLE WTF>>>>> The only people I converse with is ST people...LMAO

WickedStepMom18's picture

Wow - what a witch. I seriously have no time for disrepectful children. Who the @#$% does she think she is talking to? You handled it well. And your DH is pretty rad also...

windee's picture

Her age really freaks me out! My SS will be 14 this year and he has already begun to change. I just cannot be around him.

Jsmom's picture

How stupid is she? Did she really think you wouldn't tell her Dad, let alone show him. Sounds like even BM has her number. What I don't get is why this isn't grounds for severe punishment. The way she talks to you is awful. If my son, did that with my husband, his TV and XBox would be gone....

daisy0202's picture

Yah so would mine...Not sure what DH is going to do at all but i hope there is a punishment...She has never been punished in her life....DH just called me again all lovey dovey and kissy kissy...He better not sweep this under the rug....BUTT OUT!!!! yah that did it for me...She has never talked to me like that EVER!!!

Willow2010's picture

I deleted her number once and he got very upset...So i put it back, I wish i could block it but he would flip!!!

I would still block it and tell DH tough tit if he does not like it. You do not deserve to be talked to like that.

Jsmom's picture

Honestly, I would insist that her phone be turned off. If BM pays I am sure she would back you up. But, if she can not use it properly other than to harass her SM, she doesn't need it. This is one fight that DH and I would have that I would not relent on.

Let us know if she actually does get punished...I never believe it from these Dad's...Mine does, but it is always a day or two. No more...Sometimes, it calls for more so that they get the message.

daisy0202's picture

It happened this once, something better happen in means of punishment for this, but if it happens again....the number will be blocked and there will be a major issue....DH tells me he will take care of this....A I;m sorry better be there when i get home....and I want to hear some punishments to...

daisy0202's picture

I Hope so.....I am tired and dont feel like having a fight with DH but i will if i go home tonight and nothing was done but a talk....That is usually what happens "a talk" SORRY a talk does shit...

daisy0202's picture

I like that.....I am going to tell her that...That will be my punishment for her...VERY NICE!!!!

Shaman29's picture

DH's kid is also 16. I have no idea what her cell phone number is and she doesn't have mine. When she moved back with Uberskank, DH took back the cell phone he gave to her. I deleted my number out of that one too, just in case he changed his mind.

Your 16 y/o SD is a manipulative brat. I'm sure that if you hadn't of called your DH, she would have sent him a text stating you were cool with them going.