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O/T got a question as to why the police would be at a landfill?

purpledaisies's picture

My dh works for the largest trash service in our area, he just called to say that one of the land fill employees found something in the land fill that required him to call the police. Now hte only thing that I can think of is a dead body. I have been racking my brain trying to think of what else it could be?? Anyone have any ideas? :?


buttercookie's picture

Hard to tell,my first thought is dead body or something that leads them to believe some sort of foul play. The police normally do not have the resources to be digging in land fields for non violent crimes. I hope you update us I'm interested.

ThatGirl's picture

Yep, sounds to me like they found a body/part. You'd be surprised at how often things like that get mixed into the trash Sad

stormabruin's picture

They may suspect evidence from a crime was dumped. Possibly a weapon, clothing, blanket, or any number of other articles.

purpledaisies's picture

butter that was what I was thinking too. That the police wouldn't be coming out unless it was something they could trace or something that for sure part of a case that they needed to convict someone but then how would they know unless the employee could trace it to someone or something? I'm still thinking it has to be a body.

purpledaisies's picture

I don;t know it could be I guess I just didn't think that would be something the employee would worry about or think about.? I mean people throw things like that away all the time so I don;t know if the guy would even think much about a gun or knife. I do know there has been LOTS of knives thrown away and no one called the police. I know b/c another employee stepped on one and had to have stitches.

purpledaisies's picture

Stubborn how can they trace that to a certain person?? It is in the land fill not at the home of whom ever it belongs too. I am trying here to think as it HAS to be traceable.

beyond pissed-off's picture

If not a body/body part then possibly medical or industrial waste that was improperly and illegally dumped.

buckeye mommy's picture

Its weird that I read this earlier and when I went to MSN just now, the first story I saw was how some cremated remains from 9/11 were dumped in a landfill. I'm sure its totally unrelated, but still very sad