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I think it's over

mamamomo's picture

I feel like I might as well end it now and not waste anymore of my time. Over the past few months I have become invisible. DH did not even acknowledge my birthday, he told me 2 days after Valentines that he would be taking me to dinner for Valentines the next day. He doesnt try to spend time with me or look at me anymore and he doesnt want to have sex with me. I have turned into the nanny and nothing more. I dont think I can deal with it any longer I am tired of crying. I love him very much and he says he loves me but he does not show it. I'm tired of trying.


Inneedofgrace's picture

I'm so sorry. I've been there and it's no fun. This is no time for advice, so I won't even try to offer. Know that you're not alone and God loves you.

DaizyDuke's picture

this is how my exH treated me during the last 2 years or so of our marriage. Of course I found out later that he was having an affair that whole time, so I guess that would explain it. but that's exactly how I felt, invisible. I used to tell him that I felt like if I disappeared for days, that he wouldn't even notice. It was also confusing because he would SAY he loved me and was never mean or anything like that, just started acting like I was his roommate and not his wife.

It totally sucks and I'm sorry you're going through this.