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And It has BEGUN! So happy I found your guys...she is in for a RUDE awakening.

IAmALady77's picture

SO gets a call from BM just now, her all cheerful and glee saying that she is going to try to put SD down for a nap before he goes to pick her up. It is Sunday, he goes to pick her up at 4pm.

SO gets several texts in a row right after hanging up with BM from BM saying:

BM: what time do you want to meet?and can you do me a favor tonight?
BM: She says she doesnt want to sleep, I asked her if she wants to go to daddies house and she said "no thank you". what a stinker. but shes in a good mood today so she really didnt need a nap.

SO: well I have to go pick up some things for dinner so I will meet you at bk at 3.
BM: ok.

really? you let a 2 YEAR OLD TELL you she doesnt want to take a nap, afer trying for maybe 30 seconds. I told SO to go pick her up early so I could put her down for a nap. Game of Thrones new season starts tonight and no way in HELL am I going to miss my only show (yes, Im selfish) to stay up all night with SD being a brat because she didn't get a nap. and ohhhhh reeeeallly? you "asked" her if she wanted to go to daddies house and thats her response. SHE IS TWO!!!!!

What does this look like the beggining of ladies? It has begun. Winter is coming. I am irate.

I told SO to text her back and ask what the favor was....still waiting.


young step mom's picture

Ohhh you should let us know what this favor is??? And i have no experience with 2 year old's but when it comes to naps, I don't think they can properly dictate if they should take a nap or not. Of course she is going to say no. Duh! lol, shes 2!. Biggrin

Sounds like your BM is a sneaky individual who enjoys to try and control the lives of her now happy ex hubby and you.

IAmALady77's picture

LOL she wants him to clip SD's nails....yup. haha whatever. And yes, she is very sneaky. I just thank baby jesus they never married. I just chalk the whole situation on bad luck all around, at LEAST SD is a gem...for now hehe

IAmALady77's picture

it sure it a FML kind of day after all, SO gets to bk and BM is putting SD in the back of our car when she sees a notebook in the back seat that I had been recording things in last summer...she was pissed. SO calls me and tells me what happened...well first of all, BM doesnt need to be putting SD in the car, you are perfectly capable of doing that on your own...but thats just me being petty lol

Disneyfan's picture

Not taking a nap may be a good thing.

If she misses her nap, she may may to bed earlier than normal. A good dinner and a nice warm bath should do the trick.

IAmALady77's picture

Normally that would be the case but we've let this happen before and she was out by 6 and then up at 10. She does not do well without a nap lol

sonja's picture

Ohhhh lord! **at LEAST SD is a gem...for now**


I was all about SD when she was 2 as well. LOTS of fun!!

Now at almost 5.. HAHA! OH how things change!!

bearcub25's picture

I have a 2yo grandson. That's pretty much the only word they know right now...NO.

Are you hungry....NO....then he runs around saying eat, eat, eat.

Do you want to go out and play...NO....then outide, outide, outide.

He doesn't always take a nap either. Hit or miss with naps but if tired and quiet for long enough, they fall asleep.

boogeymom's picture

2 year olds say no, even if they mean yes. When it comes to naps, there is no such thing as a "choice." Sorry, kiddo. That's why you never ask kids questions when it's not really a choice. It's not "Do you want to take a nap?" It's "Time to take a nap." I hope BM has fun with that when she's 16. At least you know your SD well enough to know what she's like with no nap...and to know that BM is probably trying to F with Game of Thrones (not selfish to want to watch TV on your own terms, BTW, or at least I personally don't think so).

oncechoosetosmile's picture

Geez, that BM is making things difficult.The child needs a routine and not decide when or when not she is having a nap.The nap should be after lunch, maybe around 1 pm, so she can go through the day happily and then goes to bed at a decent time. 4 pm is too late.
That she says those things about coming over to daddy's house is, ummmmmm, IF it's true, not a good sign.Sounds like some kind of manipulation is going on- kids are mostly the victims at first until they are trained to get great reactions or attention from a parent.Once they get all that, their ego goes through the roof and , yay, another brat was created!!

IAmALady77's picture

Thats what I keep telling him! We have a routine here too, and its so hard to keep with when we only get her one night a week plus few hours, sometimes 2 nights...its ridiculous!