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Its been a YEAR

sunny3030's picture

So Its been a year since SD13 & SD16 have been to the house. DH goes and picks them up twice a week to go to dinner and occasionally on the weekend DD12 is at her dad's. At first I didnt mind because he took DS5 with him and DD12 was usually at her dad's so I was getting a pretty frequent quiet night at home. As SD16 was approaching the date she recieved her DL she started telling DH she was thinking about coming back to the house. DH and I have been married for 8 years and have had all kids his and mine 50/50 from the beginning. So when DH told me she was thinking of coming back over I decided to send her a text asking her if she would like to go to lunch and she said "NO". So how are you expecting to come back over to our house and have no communication with me? DH dropped a bomb on me last Tuesday....I have an overnight trip this weekend with my daughter for FBLA we will be gone from Saturday am to Sunday evening. So he's sees this as an opportunity to have SD13 & SD16 for an overnight visit. Mind you they have not been to our home for a year and they live 10 mins away!!! The only reason they agreed to come is b/c "I" will be out of town. I told DH over my dead body!!! This is my home too and I think that is very disrepectful and a slap in the face to me. He said he would just pick them up on Saturday and do something for the day then take them back home. I dont believe him and if I come home and find out that they were there it may be the deal breaker. Am I being selfish? I feel like if they cant come over and be apart of our family like we used to then dont come at all. And I feel like a home is more of the womans than it is the mans and I think it is very disrespectful for him to invite them to my home only because I will not be there???


overworkedmom's picture

:jawdrop: Those are some rude teenagers! Holy cow, I don't blame you one bit. If they can't be respectful enough to come and see you too then forget it. I would feel the same way!

ThatGirl's picture

If the reason they no longer visit is because the don't want to be around you, then they are no longer welcome in your home PERIOD.

sunny3030's picture

I spent way too many years feeling uncomfortable in my own home. I told DH I would never go back to feeling like that again. TBH I dont even know what this whole thing started over? But BM stood behind her girls and tole them they didnt have to come to Dadd's and deal with evil SM(Me) Mind you I have taken care of these girls like they were my own from day 1!! But now BM calls DH's Grandfather a couple times a month saying girls are up all night crying b/c they miss their dad BULLSHIT!!!! If they did they would bring their asses to our house and act like civilized people. I think BM has realized she's not going to get anymore CS so now she's gunning for them to start coming back over thsi is the same bitch that without fail would call on the Sunday that they were to back to her and ask DH to keep them overnight so she could out..Fuck you BM and Fuck them too!!! Sorry Im just tired of holding all that in.

12yrstepmonster's picture

I have wondered how other SM's handle this. My SD is 30 min away, I have seen her 5 times a year on average since she graduated hs- 4 yrs. I'm fed up with the big bad step mom attitude. I just want my daddy.

Ss is 15 and I haven't seen him in 3.5 mo. As he refuses to come to our house. He's too busy. However if asH has to come back to our house he won't come.

What will they think when we take a vacation and not include them what is the consequence DH will pay?

sunny3030's picture

As for the vacation we go to the Keys every year for a week. DH gave them option to come last year and they chose not to. My husband has a large family and we all live in the same town and are fortunate that his Grandfather has done very well for himself and we all benefiut from this. We go on a Family Reunion Vacation every June and they will be expected to go on that one because it is their family. They went last year and things were OK but shit hit the fan when we got home and they havent been over since and I have not ssen them so if they go this June it will be very awkward but they will not keep me from going!!!!