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It's my birthday!

Doesnteatcrow's picture

My DH and I have been together for almost 6 years married for 3! According the the CO they are to be their BM on mothers day and her birthday/ fathers day his birthday... Yada yada yada... In 6 years they never been with BM for her birthday always with DH on his and fathers day too! And typically on my Birthday with us! We have mother's day drama where she doesn't want the kids and the youngest of my skids cries himself to sleep because he can't do for mommy. ( he was also born on mothers day).

This year ( today now) my birthday falls on " her day" and my husband who is the soccer coach for ss9 team have practice. ss13 is autistic and will be with BM and I know she will not have him call or anything and why should she! We did our celebration last weekend where they added to my camila bracelet that they picked out for me for Christmas ( mainly ss9) because they figured out I have a Tiffany charm bracelet for my BS2 that I get a charm every year on or around his birthday. They wanted to have one too! I chose camila over pandora because there is a small boutique in walking distance of our house where ss9 can go on his own and pick out my beads. He was the one obviously pushing to the bracelet because in his heart I am the mom he knows! He came home with 4 new beads for my bracelet that were awesome.... A train ( BS loves trains), a puzzle piece for autism ( I have a passion for figuring out the pieces of the puzzle) a P for my name and BS2 and a thank you mom one!!!

I just needed to say it out there and I know what I need to do! SS13 is completely out to lunch and not by his own being... He is stuck for words and in w wheelchair. His special Ed teacher emails all 3 of his parents everyday and sometimes she emails me on her own. Ok- more often than not! She know how hard I try and she tries just as hard! He is just stuck and in is own head... I know he knows it is my birthday and he has a phone attached to his chair - he knows how to use it, but struggles with the words. He also knows dates and times - but he lacks the verbal ability to call me! I am going to email the teacher who typically says to him when he acts out - do you want to call Doesnteatcrow and he says no no no no and plugs his ears and gets his shit together!

I know the answers and will make it happen! He needs to be able to say this to me! Smile


Doesnteatcrow's picture

I did email his support Ed ad tell her it was my birthday so he could call me and work on verbal skills!

And then a flashback from last year where I spent my birthday in the hospital with him, my mom, my MIL and his best friend! We did 18 days in patient that trip and 15 hours of surgery... I am loosing count 32 or 33 days inpatient and 11 or 12 surgeries since 2010! 9 hours one time and 10 days inpatient and BM who gets child support forgets!!

Last year for mothers day I got the best gift ever... Ss13 puked on me after 2 weeks not being allowed to eat wi an NG tube in and he finally could eat but- he struggled and puked all over me! That is called being a mom!

My BS2 was only 14 / 15 months old and he was allowed into the hospital to see his brother and it helped a ton!

I need to go to sleep and so I can work for another Midwestern childrens hospital tomorrow!

overworkedmom's picture

Happy Birthday! It sounds like you skids really do know who the mommy is and love you very much! Y'all are all so lucky to have made the family that you have! Best Wishes!!

CrazieCoconut86's picture

Happy Birthday! It sounds like your skids are very lucky to have you in their lives.