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Will it ever end?

super stepmum's picture

Hi, I'm a first time user to this blog, but hoping it will be exactly what I need.
As the current situation stands, my partner and I are currently in the process of trying, and we are trying our hardest, to get full custody of his 8 year old son. He is the most beautiful, sensitive, caring, funny kid I've ever met. He is currently living with us, as his mother, who is a complete bitch, wants to move from the city to the country. We are trying to stop the boy from going.
Since living with us for the past 4 weeks, he has made a stable school friendship, and going on his first after school play date tomorrow (we are all very excited), he does his homework without complaint, has started playing sport out side of school, cries less, and is so much happier.
His mother makes him speak to her on the phone even if he doesnt want to, and tries to manipulate him to want to move, which he says he does, but there isnt any real reason as to why. She lies to the courts, to make herself look the perfect parent, and my partner the bad parent.


super stepmum's picture

As per court order, he is not to leave the metro area without his father's permission, and there is no way in hell thats happening. Our next court date is June 4th, and we will find out who wins full custody of him.

super stepmum's picture

The current custody status is that he live with his mother, except for the two days and nights per week we have him. He is not to move from the metro area, however, she has currently moved 3.5 hours away, some crap about not being able to afford to live in metro area. She jsut wants the $$ from the government.

mylife7's picture

I don't know if it gets better. I'm at a point that I doubt more than I'm optomistic. Venting with other step parents that get it saved my sanity a time or two. Welcome!

super stepmum's picture

I'd like to think it will get easier to deal with. Just keeping positive, or trying to anyway.